Sex Offenders Sue Butts County To Get ‘No Trick-or-Treat’ Signs Taken Off Their Lawns – Everything Law and Order Blog

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By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Sex Offenders Sue Butts County To Get ‘No Trick-or-Treat’ Signs Taken Off Their Lawns”
  1. I have sooooo many questions. I know that this place was established during the 1800s, but why name your town this?

  2. I would rather live in a hood where sex offenders were welcome and I KNOW where they live, then to protest against sex offenders in my neighborhood and have them living w/ family members under the radar, because they have to "hide" in order to live in a house. I can then teach my children where they cannot go and why. Pushing them out FORCES them to live under the radar which is way worse than knowing wheres they R

  3. 1:34 . he still lives w/ his dad b/c most sex offenders cannot rent homes anywhere..they get kicked out of most neighborhoods…while I don't condone those crimes, I also feel like they do deserve a place to live after serving their time and it's up to parents to know what and where your children are…

  4. I know Sex Offenders who have been put on this registry for a lot less than what these guys did. I would automatically believe the system is broken if I saw signs in the yards of the guys I know who are on that list. Let's talk about it…

  5. To be fair, some people are forced to register as sex offenders and pose no threat to children or anyone. I know someone who got caught having sex at work. He worked at a jail and had sex with an inmate. He was forced to register as a sex offender and cannot be around children. Doesnt sound logical to me

  6. I don't think the sheriff should put the sign up but make putting the sign up as a requirement on their release or part of their rehabilitation 🤷🏿‍♀️

  7. I was 21 I was takeing a piss in the men's bath room and a female manager came in to clean she walked out and called the cops on me. I was arrested with looking at 3 charges and the cops wanted to put me on the sexual offender's list. Lucky for me a female judge called bull shit on this and dropped the charges.

  8. There are plenty websites people can search to see where sex/ criminal offenders are in their neighborhoods…. if those websites are legal do [so] are the signs

  9. If I'm correct, all counties in every state has a public sex offender registry that is viewable by ANYBODY. Forcibly putting a sign on folks homes is overkill and too much government overreach. If you want to know where the sex offenders are in your neighborhood, then do your due dilligence and look at what's already public knowledge. Don't let your dumb ass assumptions cause you to harass innocent people (family members).

    Second, cause I know you dumb asses are gonna read that first paragraph and respond off emotional provocation, I am NOT DEFENDING sex offenders at ALL. What I'm defending is their right to be held accountable for their future actions upon release. Which means, allowing them to get the help that they need and not to impose an additional punishment socially.

    All you muthaphukkkas wanna talk about criminal justice reform but don't wanna reform how you think about criminal justice across the board. If you want less recidivism, or for those in the back who ain't never read anything longer than 160 characters, reoffending crimes to get back in prison, then the public needs to allow them to show that they are trying to do and be better. Wonder why criminals end up being so for life? Look in the mirror.

  10. I think if you’re a sex offender you deserve the humiliation that comes with it and putting up signs is a good way for kids to know embarrass them like this maybe there will be less pedophiles

  11. For me or depends on how ago they served time, if they are repeat offenders, and what sex crime they did because if your drunk and piss on the sidewalk be deemed a sex offender.

  12. Aye Y'all I am from FLOVILLA GA 30216, Corey McClendon is my lil homie that had No business getting imprisoned for being a Black 16 or 17 year old with A White 15 or 16 year old that told Butts County Judge and DA that she voluntarily slept with not only Corey but other teens as well ( they tried to charge the Black teens with rape until the 15 or 16 yr old girl told them that they didn't rape her) She wasn't so innocent herself so since they couldn't pin that they changed the charge to "statutory rape" gtfoh!!! So y'all shouldn't judge people nor pick on folks and this isn't just about those signs this is about the Sheriff's decision makings in Butts County… I bet Y'ALL didn't know that we had One Sheriff for 20 fuckin' years before Gary Long got voted in, (by mostly Black Folks). Back In Those Years Butts County Was As Worse Than Dallas, Texas Police Department… Y'ALL never knew and still don't know how the system failed us (Black People) coming up in a little small hick town called Jackson, GA 30233 and FLOVILLA,GA 30216 And I'm Glad They Won Not That I'm Taking Up For Sex Offenders But I'm Getting Y'ALL And Charlemagne Off My Lil Homie… Y'ALL worse than the judge, prosecutor and jury back then… We practically wrote Obama about our town needing help from those dirty Departments still til this day No response… In the words of a Wise Black Man from Butts County, And Bye!

  13. Hell as bad as these kids are and crazy as some of the parents are I want that sign and I ain't a sex offender or convict period 🤣🤣🤣 seriously I actually love trick or treaters but I live in the hood and have a little mean yard 🐕 so I don't even have the pleasure of passing out candy anymore and I don't have kids 🤦🏽‍♀️

  14. Are they pedos or not you can get a sex beef from pissing outside totally unnecessary especially for ppl who live there and have nothing to do with it

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