Hidden camera experiment: Would you fall for this ruse?

Hidden camera experiment: Would you fall for this ruse?

“These things can happen at any time of day or night, you don’t just have to be in a shady corner or an alleyway somewhere,” says security expert Kirk Freeman. “They can happen in the light of day in front of everyone.”

More: https://bit.ly/2JDPCdU


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40 thoughts on “Hidden camera experiment: Would you fall for this ruse?

  1. People your American citizens carry a fire arm that is loaded cause guess wht when they throw u in that van they gone get a hole lotta shells and let u go better then we’re u gone wind up

  2. I see ppl selling stuff out of a van every day at the plaza near my house. But they always have a table set up. Only they go in the van. They never allow ppl inside. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten in. Wtf.

  3. Sometimes you think you are doing a good thing but if you look at the bigger picture : Yes you raised awareness but you also gave ideas to potential pretadors.

    There is at least one person somewhere who will add this to their arsenal

  4. My sister was at a Walmart and she was in the parking lot putting all her bags in her car when a women came up to her asking her if she wanted to try perfume samples. My sister said no she was okay. But the women insisted and said just come to my car and I'll show them to you. My sister quickly declined and climbed into her car and drove away.she called Walmart security just to warn them. You never know. Be careful out there guys.

    Edit:it was in broad daylight too

  5. this is good. i used to walk around in vegas on the street alone no weapon i would street walk im not lying i was in a pretty low place with not much cash i would get into. i would always walk on the busy street with tons of cars going past… my friend told me someone would "kidnap" me and i thought thats stupid who wants to do that to me. i would get drunk to numb the pain and once i got into a car with a pimp he drove me to the other side of town and dropped me off. i had no car at the time had to walk a couple of miles home thank goodness nothing worse happened. i was so foolish and stupid i would never do that again. situational awareness is paramount. also non lethal self defense

  6. Good thing i don't like purses, and don't see the point in having one. Besides.. selling 'high end' purses like that is wicked sketchy. Anyone who falls for that needs to rethink

  7. Sadly, I don't think most of these people stayed away from the van because they knew about getting kidnapped but because they didn't want to buy a fake bag

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