On Thursday, a Texas officer highlighted the “weird” actions of ex-border patrol agent Ronald Burgos-Aviles while he was detained for the fatal stabbings of his mistress and their 1-year-old son. The Law&Crime Daily team explains the bizarre behavior.
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Why. Is the 1st guy smiling on the stand like he's about to drop the punch line off a joke
he needed to be sentenced to sign with San Pedro
Weird that almost around the same time we had two supervisor border patrols in my city committing murders it was this guy and Juan ortiz the border patrol serial killer who killed 4 girls in my city I use to go to highschool with one of them well she's transgender
This dude is nuts. The baby’s shirt wasn’t torn. So he actually lifted his shirt then proceeded to stab the knife through his son’s heart. Just sick
He was trying to rub off her DNA from the scratches !
It is incredible that this kind of guys pass the polygraph test!! And good people sometimes don't.
tried to dodge jail just to go to jail.
What am I missing? They asked him his name and he gave it to them… I just watched this three times and I still don't understand the problem with the name.
I think he should have gotten the death penalty- and usually I'm against that- I'm certainly not taking up for this monster but I just don't understand the identification issue. Forgive me, I'm old.😅
They need to change the title. For every video on this case.
She wasn’t a mistress, she didn’t know he was the narcissist the he is.
Ronald Burgos-Aviles: not too smart.
He looks like he’d have no problem doing the crime again. Where’s the remorse?
There’s no excuse for his actions but unless 100 percent the woman doesn’t know he is married is both fault in the cheating and getting pregnant. I hear in the comment is his fault for the cheating and for getting her pregnant, no that takes two to tango. His 100 percent fault is dealiving her and that Angel!!
Women don’t think a man will change just because you get pregnant for years and years that has been proven no you went get to catch him and made him stay with you and no most of the times they don’t leave the wife.
What a loser!!
He should know a machine has been programmed is ready to give him the same stabs he gave his victims. He should know that the minute the verdict is is in, is the hour of his execution. All perps should know what is INSTANTLY coming for them BEFORE they create victims. DO UNTO OTHERS!!!!!
RIP to the monster's victims.
Yall really think child support is the problem? SMFH
What was his defense? Does he even have one?
Oh he’s getting the death penalty the pos goof!
Hey defense nice sugar coating of your witnesses,
"Oh don't say it like that, say it like this, it makes him look more angelic,
What bs.
You know I was thinking, how many immigrants did he take advantage of hiding behind his badge and power?
He should get the penalty thers no excuses for hurting a child evil evil is what that thing of a human is
Why that cop testifying is smiling? A murder happened. 1:28
I think he was trying to taint DNA, mixing it.
So our country has border patrol officers like this POS, and serial killer like David Ortiz who was recently found guilty. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The blood was on his skin and he licked his hand to remove it! Come on. It is obvious!
I’m confused on the name part. Isn’t his name Ronald Burgos Aviles? Or am I missing something?
He was trying to smear DNA. He's so done.
That scumbag LURED her to a remote area. He's going down.
The host dosent look tan bed AF
Thank you for not calling victim a mistress. Defendant did not support her neither financially nor emotionally. 🥵
dried blood on his cuts, from her scratching him in defense.
Couldn’t opposing counsel object as to speculation when the officer was describing what he thought was happened?
Why is the cop smiling on the stand? 🤨
BURGOS trial: After the murders he drove to his house which is miles away from the crime scene WITH the victims’ phones and was home for about ten minutes~~plenty of time to shower and change. I think he was rubbing missed spots. He also chewed (and most likely swallowed) his fingernails. This guy is an egotistical narcissistic monster who took two lives and has traumatized many. He’s not a smart guy, apparently, because he didn’t do a good job of covering his tracks. I’m 100% convinced he did it and cannot understand why he wouldn’t just plead guilty and save time, money, and more trauma for the family. My heart goes out to the victims’ family.
Laredo pride!
Why’s this cop keep smiling and swearing so much? Weirdly flippant for a time like this.
Lady and son getting no respect …
So, YOU cheat, YOU aren't careful and get her pregnant, then murder because of YOUR actions.
He licked his fingers, didn't you see that? He was cleaning off something… lunch or blood? He did it over and over.
geez, a baby killer, a woman killer, AND a law enforcement "officer" ??? … hopefully they don't have him too protected …general population would have real fun with his "pretty" hair …his lawyer too needs a hair appointment asap