Jerome Kowalski admitted to murder, but did he really do it, and did an affair affect his outcome on trial?
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Jerome Kowalski admitted to murder, but did he really do it, and did an affair affect his outcome on trial?
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Richard and Brenda Kowalski had a trust fund worth nearly $5 million naming HER sons, Michael Reilly and his brother, sole beneficiaries. Richard, with no kids of his own and rich, met and married Brenda when her boys were adolescents and living in a trailer, barely making ends meet. Fast forward years later: Grandma dies and step-grandsons only get $2,500 from her estate while bio grandsons (Jerome’s kids) get $10,000 each. Perfect storm right there wouldn’t you say? Add to it the chillingly calm tone of Michael’s voice and the lack of emotion with which he reported the violent blood bath he walked into, as well as the ease in which he threw his step-uncle’s name out as a suspect, and…well…we all know who the REAL killer is! Hopefully, the truth will come out and not only will Jerome be freed (he’s still awaiting his new trial in 2022!), but his actual killer will be prosecuted.
Come on! He had a dream and he mixed it?! And then he says the all time favorite “I signed it just so they’d get off my back!” All time favorite phrase used!!!
There’s shock and there’s this call that sounds so disinterested it made my skin crawl. No emotion until he started throwing the blame onto his uncle. Who stands there looking at their dead parents and has the solidity to immediately start giving ideas for suspects when on the phone with 911??
This whole story is shady!
Poor guy..
The son did it
That interrogation – what a joke. That detective is not going to figure out anything, I can tell you that.
Who says that so dads got a hole in his head. Wtf
He did it!! You dont just think you have a dream of killing to people and that same night those 2 people are dead!! Smh. The drunk went and killed his family for his mothers estate!!
The son was talking so calm with the 911 operator as if he’s ordering a damn pizza! “Yeah my dad has a hole in his head” wtf?! 😂
I do think 🤔 he did it, and he is trying to excuse his actions. It seems to me like he was the only person who had a problems with them especially with his brother all this over money 💴.
Surely anyone with half a brain would at least pretend to be sad finding their parents dead. The way this dude was talking I thought he was ordering a frickin pizza
Never talk to the cops without a lawyer, never ever ever ever.
The interrogation is hilarious LMAOOO
Detectives are so dumb lmao it’s so obvious it was the son not the uncle. The uncle doesn’t even know what’s going on he’s too drunk. That 911 is a confession call.
I’m sorry but the son doesn’t sound like he’s too worked up about finding his parents dead on the kitchen floor!!!
or i should say Jarome
Cops and there over reactions….were there jerry or not!!
My favorite speaker , this man. Yass
Son: I'd like to report a murder and can you connect me to order pizza? *Calm af
I know I put a little oil but do I dip steaks in flour or not?
These interrogators are so terrible
What a freaking coward to blame it totally on drinking and pills. Sorry, you CHOSE to take it and so be responsible for your actions. What a loser all the way around!!!
Whoa!!! They really really really messed with him. They are abusing him. It’s clear that he’s a drunk old man who doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Some of these cops….. I don’t understand why they’d want to put away the wrong guy. It just does make sense. On top of that they do it knowingly that defendant will loose his job, his family, his friends and his home. Seems like this cop wanted a “win” since he was a newbie.
The son did it…he was to calm on 911. Use the uncle as the fall guy
Ayeee I live in Livingston county
My father name is Jerome and he is a asshole
As soon as I heard the 911 call I thought it was the son . Odd call. He is going into too much detail and he is too calm I kno everyone handles things differently but naw something ain’t right
The police officer just said it himself… But the son knew what happened right away on the 911 call.
Sounds like the son was finding an aliby on the night of the murder and placing blame. How'd he know he was shot and all of that… And he was so calm at first. If one of my parents died I'd be upset.
The Detective an asshole shouting like that
The son offered too much background detail to the 911 responder, there's no way he didn't do it.
I bet the son did it.
He sounds really upset, Not
Poor uncle he has never had a clear mind , how would he be convicted. I am still on the son, how does he implicate his uncle as a murder right on 911 call. This whole case does not sit right. Very sad 😢
Omg this is pissing me off. It's so obvious it was the 911 caller.
1) found the body
2) no emotion or feigned emotion
3) so chill, casual. Like he found a pile of dog poo in his yard. Didn't even step in it, just yelling to the neighbors that their dog shit in his yard. Even though he literally just watched his own dog do it just 5 min before. That tone.
4) he's putting out a suspect name, pointing his finger almost instantly.
5) not only does he give a name, he gives them a motive! Okkkkkkkkkkkk, SON.
I'm so stubborn, those investigators would have been made with me. The more they hollered the quieter I'll be.
How can people be some stupid to actually sign a confession when they are innocent!!!!???? And why didn’t he ask for a lawyer??? This is beyond ridiculous!!!!
This Uncle didn’t do it
The son of the victims must have done it to set him up knowing he had some beef with his brother . The one who made that 91 call must be throughly questioned . He knows more than what he is pretending to be . What a mess
“i’m in shock….”
ahhhh, yes. it sure sounds like it, buddy… i, too, sound very emotionless when something as heartbreaking as finding both my parents shot dead, with massive amounts of blood around them happens to me… very relatable, sir..
That Uncle is seriously pathetic and you can see that he has absolutely nothing else to live for. That's so sad. It's like he's thinking… eh, I have nothing to do anyway. Might as well go to jail for murder that I may or may not have done.
Ummm! They should have questioned the son. He called 911 and IMMEDIATELY implicated his uncle. The uncle said he had not been their about 10 yrs. The son knows that the uncle is a sloppy drunk and he could put the blame on him. smh Michael wanted his parents estate. smh
that's the most monotonous "shocked" person I've ever fucking heard.
He had a weird reaction to the situation. He should've lawyered up..
The dude interrogating him looks like a dick
They need to investigate Jerome's nephew- the son of the murdered couple.
I don’t like the detective at all.
I hate when the detectives shout rather the person infront of them is guilty or not, they need to do justice in a good way.
Idk the son sounded strange on the 911 call….. I think it very well could have been him!
“Upset, scared, and drunk” my life in a nutshell 😭😅😂
Wow this detective 😂🤦♀️