Pt 3: Friends Can’t Recall How College Pal Died – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt 3: Friends Can’t Recall How College Pal Died – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

After a night out in D.C., three friends head to an apartment. One of them ends up stabbed to death just hours later.

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31 thoughts on “Pt 3: Friends Can’t Recall How College Pal Died – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Taylor played it super smart. She didn't resist talking to police or ask for a lawyer, but still gave them nothing, or even worse, a story that she would have to back out of later. Don't do police's job for them. If they are the smart guys they pretend to be, let them do their job and make their case, it isn't like they will be taking away someone's freedom for the rest of their lives. Did you know that the average IQ of American police officers is 89. 80 is considered mentally challenged. I'm not so worried about the ones who are over; but, can you imagine how many of them are below 89, some significantly below 89 to make the average so low? Frightening isn't it, that someone with an IQ below "mentally challenged" has the power to take away my freedom for the rest of my life; or worse, kill me for walking while black.

  2. My whole house is covered in long blonde hair, just ask me husband, he hasn't had a meal in 18 years, that he hasn't found a hair, lol, makes me sick. We got a cat on Christmas and this thing shedded like nothing I've ever seen, so because she slept on my side, as I sleep in the living room, from time to time, every meal i tried to eat had a damn cat hair in it, my husband said "payback is a biotch" tuche’

  3. Hmmm, I wonder if she had the idea when inviting the victim of a possible threesome then her boyfriend/suspect got insecure and surprised by it. 🧐

  4. what's obvious is that these 2 have one of those weird relationships where they get off on friction and drama. never, I repeat, never be that third wheel. Cuz it will not go well. One way or another, you will be put inbetween the 2. Also that Rahul is very controlling. He won't give her a kiss and demands that she tell the cops that he wants a lawyer. I mean… WTF? Do it yourself, half-a-man.

  5. She is definitely guilty…my guess is she was coming on to him while her boyfriend had passed out. She got mad when he turned her down and went batshit crazy. Boyfriend woke up during the 911 call. Case closed lol

  6. She and Gupta planned to murder Mark for whatever reason and lured him back to their apartment. All that is evident in Gupta's demeanor, both outside, and inside the elevator. When they got inside the apartment, they had to build up the courage, and sort of set the stage to justify committing the murder. That's why it appeared to Mark that things were getting weird.

  7. I personally think he did it, she seems extremely drunk; & im pretty sure Mark would have been able to fight her off or at least yell so that his friend could hear him & help him. Since she seemed to be the drunkest one, & wouldnt be of any help! If it was her, then why did he not make the call for his friend that he woke up too bleeding on the floor; while also trying to stop the bleeding? I believe he got jealous of Taylor & Mark, because Taylor was probably being flirty; & he boyfriend just flew off the handle & took his anger out on Mark. One of the stab wounds was done with such force, that it chipped a bone; theres no way Taylor had that much force especially while she was drunk! But i do think Taylor remebers some things, maybe not everything but enough to know that her boyfriend did it; but she just doesnt want to throw him under the bus.

  8. I think when they all got to the apartment, she came onto the friend, he told her to fuck off, threatened to tell her boyfriend, she freaked out and stabbed him to death. They asked if she had a sexual relationship with Mark and she said no, then basically said "No, but if/when you find out Im lying I guess I cant deny it then." Every time she has opened her mouth she makes herself look more and more guilty.

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