Ebby Steppach, 18, vanished without a trace after allegedly being sexually assaulted. Crime Watch Daily’s Jason Mattera investigates her mysterious disappearance #findebbyjane.

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Teen Vanishes After Alleged Sexual Assault – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)”
  1. My thing is the way the security guard makes it sound it sounds like she was tricking That's what it sounds like. I don't understand how if there was surveillance footage in the park why they didn't find her for 3 years? Maybe the security guard had something to do with it. It doesn't make sense to me why when you seen her out there the first time why you wouldn't call the police the next time you seen her she had already been warned one time. All he had to do was his job and the police would have then known hey this is a missing person considered endangered they would have contacted the family and they'd have got her back alive. All it would have took was one phone call. He seen that girl three different times and not one time did he call the police. And she's doing whatever she doing in the backseat in he didn't call he didn't think that was suspicious. That makes me think maybe he was in on that. But you also can't blast somebody's name in the news media that you're not sure if they have anything to do with it. I think that's a little crazy

  2. @6:15 wow! I think Mitch McCoy has to be one of the best reporters in history! I mean listen to what might be the most revealing observation to date regarding this case… Mcoy said “I think that there are a lot of unknowns in this case”… 😐 he’s really onto something! I mean seriously I never looked at it that way and now that I think about… sheesh he’s right! We don’t know where she is for starters, what happen to her or if she’s even really missing! Wow McCoy what would we do without u?

  3. Should be a lesson to all parents. Tell your children no. Not till you graduate from college. As Ling as your footing the bill you do as I say. When they do graduate they will be working. To tired to party and smart enough to tell you thanks later. At least your children will be alive. Free range chicken children end up dead or worse.

  4. I’m sorry but why the hell didn’t the security guard say something before??? And conveniently he points out two guys that just so happen to be in True Crime Daily??? I’m sorry but that is very sus to me. Technically the security guard is the last person to see her alive…

  5. I feel like the rapists were well known and had connections to the cops. I'm guessing it's someone related to a cop. Idk I'm just speculating since the cops seemed to do nothing. It's 2022 and they still haven't caught them. Someone from that party knows and they might be afraid of the police since they're in on it.

  6. this idiot has never read Galations Romans or Philipians clearly he is a lover of only the LUST OF THE FLESH he loves only the guns and muscles and outer man or woman and knows nothing not little but nothing of the internal woman that adorns her husband w meekness kindness forgiveness and grace something this douche bag knows NOTHING about Esther Ruth Gomer Rahab is a hot woman not Delilah or Gomer or Mary Magdalene this man loves sluts i love the inside slut the woman inside the slut behavior not the constant workout to make sure they have the right and correct body type to be their best self fuck your best OUTSIDE self be your best SOUL and SPIRIT inside self that shit shines through and makes you far hotter than any workout at Planetfitness or any fitness trainer could ever fucking give you because they never once have handed me a bible they only ever tell me to work out and sweat my ass off but never tell me why i am working out to begin w just to die one day and be forgotten on Darwin evolutionism lies what a waste of time on the worlds system and Worldview of lies

  7. I don't believe in dictatorships…but one would be nice to just lay waste to sex traffickers. They deserve violent public executions, along with any absolute loser who actually pays to use those services.

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