Former school resource officer Scot Peterson is on trial for allegedly not following active shooter training during the Parkland school massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. Peterson — dubbed “The Broward Coward” — has been criticized for his actions after surveillance video showed him remaining outside the high school while shots were fired inside killing 14 students and threes staff members. Peterson faces seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury. He and his defense team believe the once “dedicated officer” did nothing wrong.
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Guy is just as bad as Nikolas Cruz. EVIL.
This guy is a coward, shame on you.
They sound genuinely confused on this dispatch video… Now because of my blindness and the limitations on what's shown here I can't know anything about the visual side but right now I believe the state of Florida just wants someone else besides Cruz to blame for what happened that day 6:14:22
This state atterneys group is giving me a terrible impression… It's like they're tattling to daddy or something throughout this every 5 minutes and it's driving me crazy… If they have a case at all then they need to stop sensering this atterney, let him speek like they got to then let the jury decide once the evidence is concluded… 2:47:03
I'm watching this fresh after watching the Parkland murderer's trial and here are my thoughts about 2 hours in.
This horific shooting at MSD is Cruz's fault, the state didn't really give us a lot of new information in their opening which was fine but what's really bothering me is how much they're objecting to Peterson's lawyer's opening statement. Peterson's lawyer didn't object once to theirs and it seems like they're trying to muzzel him from getting the truth out there. I know it's early and I know we haven't seen any evidence yet but these are my initial thoughts 2:15:13
14:57 ~ Sound & housekeeping matters starts here (nothing noteworthy)
25:50 ~ Court begins here
They shouldn’t play that audio
How is mr Cruz doing in prison? Is he still alive?
This entire trial is really a complete waste of time.
Scot Peterson could not have changed anything that happened on this most tragic of days, and I believe the defence lawyer proved that beyond any doubt.
The reality is that Niklas Cruz should NEVER have been allowed to walk into the school grounds, carrying a semi-automatic rifle together with so much ammunition.
How was he able to get through the gate?
That is the MAJOR reason why this tragedy took place and this type of negligence should NEVER have happened, considering the extensive history of school shootings in a country like America.
A coward . Should be sacked , sued and punished to the maximum extent of the law .
This seems like a poor attempt by the NRA to take the focus off assault weapons. I mean we all know that if resource officers just played John Wayne then there wouldn't be any shooters
The defense attorney didn't have to yell but everything he said is sticking with me. Including what the prosecution objected to.
The prosecution was pathetic playing the sound of the gunshots and of the kids screaming. It proved nothing. It took a swat team 30 minutes to get to those witnesses yet the families expected Mr. Peterson to get there right away.
Unfortunate name. In my mind, Scot Peterson evokes one word: heinous.
2:37:04 …currently wondering why on earth these charges have been brought against this man…what a waste of time and resources.
The killer has already been convicted.
The defendant in this case did nothing criminal.
Also…I almost fell asleep during the prosecution’s opening…the defense attorney is so much more personable and if I were on that jury, I’d be listening hard to him.
Having said all that, my thoughts are with the families of those who lost their lives to Cruz that day…IMO…Peterson shouldn’t have been criminalised, forcing the families through another agonising trial
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He should swallow his own gun if he has an ounce of honor left.
Lord have mercy. This prosecutor is just demonstrating his memory recall and his ability to sound like a reasonable human being. I do not buy the act for one minute.
Everyone was a victim that day, even the hero’s, except for the wasted piece of flesh/the shooter.
I guess when they are called resource officers because of all the resources they cost to do nothing and fill up a position that a motivated person might have.
But he was saved.
How sad.
Accusing a fifty five year old school police officer of criminal conduct arising out of an active shooter incident without backup which in any other jurisdiction would have been a Swat call isn't Malfeasance.
This is just so sad. So many lives destroyed that getting the culprit wasn't enough. This case will always break my heart, but this man does deserve a fair trial whether you think he should even be having one or not. So far the first day has not shown a fair trial for the defendant, he is the one on trial not the state, that is one of the main reasons why i feel this judge is a dud. Getting more blood and taking more lives will not heal any one of those who lost something that day. This man has to live with his inner thoughts thinking of if he did this or if he had done that, he has to live with that and that is his burden to carry for the rest of his life. I do not think this is just or right or constitutional.
I’m not impressed with either opening argument. Prosecution is hard to follow. The defense attorney started strong, but then he used that baby voice to say “oh no, kids are getting killed in there” and it was so gross. He used that oh no voice a couple of times, and it made me instantly dislike him.
Everyone skip to about 15:00
He didn't even try to find out where he was
Maybe he shouldn't have been such a coward. Some lives could have been saved.
Audio is terrible
He's the fall guy. This situation is beyond horrible and it's the fault of the person who decided to shoot up the school. One resource officer for a school that size is pretty unrealistic to begin with and to place so much blame on this one person isn't going to 'fix' anything. This mans' training aside, if he was no where near the shooter and there had been firecrackers going off that day already – how exactly was he supposed to confront the shooter? Had he been killed outright, he'd have been hailed as a hero for trying. He shouldn't be on trial. I am pro-gun when they are legally obtained and used responsibly. NC obtained it legally, but obviously failed the responsibly part. I would gladly wait 28, 39, 45 days to get cleared to purchase a gun. It is my right to own one; it is not my right to slaughter innocent people of any age.
Every time I hear again about the horrificness and horribleness of this incident I'm stirred emotionally just as if I'd heard this the first time.
I do believe the prosecution should have sought another sentencing trial for NC on the basis of jury nullification. I know this is not common but the evidence was very clear that 4 members of the jury ignored the evidence. One of the jurors that voted for life state that they could not sentence anyone who was mentally ill to death. The defense made no allegations of mental illness or presented evidence as such. Killing someone does not mean you are mentally ill.
The witness, male police officer, on the baseball field, is so jolly talking, why is he so jolly ????? He needs to calm down and think about the seriousness of the case.
The extremely loud sounds of the shooting was terrible !!!!!!!! So loud. Poor children in the middle of it. Terrifying only listen to it here.
The defense lawyer looks like an actor, but cant remember his name .
I have zero knowledge about whether or not the defendant committed criminal acts, but I have heard testimony that after the episode was over, the defendant did not assist a single student. It does seem like it was a stretch to charge him, however. Maybe the defense attorney is effective, but I find his voice inflections to be annoying and condescending. Plus he’s so dramatic, sighing, etc…. Plus he’s a butt kisser, saying thank you for your service and other self serving bs
Did the defense attorney go to law school? Not commenting on the truth of his argument, but the judge is constantly admonishing him.
Did they use a 90s webcam to capture the audio?
If I ever need an attorney, I want this defense attorney!!
That poor father that walked out during that video. That was absolutely awful and how dare the state use that as evidence. Why would we care about hearing the gunshots within the building if the security office was outside the building!? Shameful and gross