Michelle Castillo was breaking up with her husband Braulio Castillo when she was found dead of an apparent suicide. But upon closer investigation, her death did not appear to be caused by a suicide.
More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/01/30/virginia-executive-stages-wifes-murder-to-look-like-suicide/
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What a sack of shit he got his kid to give him passcode and yelled at him… then tried to be like no son I didn’t do any of that wtf .. fucksake what a fucking coward in every aspect That is so sad she seemed like a wonderful mother
This was hard to watch. I played a few years of youth football with Nick and his father was our assistant coach. I knew Nick throughout middle and high school and he is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met–one of those guys who puts you at ease when you're around him and stands out just by the sincerity of his kindness. Having known what a good person Nick is made this news that much harder to hear. I can't fathom the loss the entire family has suffered, but I'm grateful justice was served. Nick, if you're reading this, we played for the Eagles and I'd happily block for you again any time, any place. I hope you and your family have found some peace in everything you've had to endure. You're the man.
Death penalty
My dads former boss. I sat on his lap. Eerie
Poor man, bitch kills herself and sets it up to make him look guilty. Hope he gets out soon
This is what hsppens when u try to involve kids as part of the murder

holy crap if her head was a little shorter she would look exactly like someone i know
This is not the Walking Dead…
So now the kids get his millions or what.
Damn, good job kid! Castillo sounds like a horrible person regardless of this senseless act
Any updates??
Mark is a real one
5:48 more. more. more. more.
No joke my mom knew the lady that died
Ugly guy. Living in a ten thousand square foot house, Mister Castillo. Product of immigration. Lying about service in our Military. You disgrace.
God please guide these kids and and give the strength to keep going with a positively. SIP to their mom. I just wish I could hug them. They need pure love
Y’all im not fucking joking michelle castillo knew my mom really well
Sorry Braulio, time to face the music
Poor family I hope that child does not blame himself. God bless those children.
All of those children left without a Mother or a father. So sad
He killed his wife, straight DICK MOVE she had 5kids ASSHOLE
I cannot wait until we live in a world where security footage is as good as the stuff we can record on our damn cell phones. It's pathetic security surveillance hasn't been brought up to date
i admire the detective worked on this case. even though he loses his job still he was full support to get the justice.
Kind of annoyed at the interviewer, she kept interrupting the interviewees. 60% of the interviews are just her finishing people's sentences
You like nothing like him or your mother how has no one else commented about that? First two episodes I thought he was from a previous relationship
He is not your dad
This is sad but a nine year old with a security blanket?