John Frankowski Senior was killed in an apparent dispute over inheritance in 2014. Jonathan Roman allegedly went after Frankowski Sr., his uncle, for the money and then killed him. Jason Mattera tells the story for Crime Watch Daily.
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Why is the reporter stressing the "over money!" Bit? Like folks haven't been killed over money before.
Only a MORON would believe that they would receive an inheritance shortly after someone's death.

How could he give them something that he DID NOT HAVE?!!
all for only $200,000 between them…. wow
wow Idk why ppl kill over MONEY of ALL things…. and it wasn't even HIIIIIS money!! This is nuts!
money makes people do strange things
For the inheritance of course smh
We came to this earth with nothing, literally nothing and will go back with nothing so why kill for money?
Why at 5:07 dat lawyer say all that horrific shit in front of his daughter
Looks like John was a nice man,very good looking guy.It's horrible that you get murdered,even worse by a family member….may they burn in HELL.
that man lost his life over something he couldn't even change. he was doing it legally. it sometimes takes years to get things like that through courts. so not only did they lose a father but grandkids lost there grandfather.
and she is the perfect one?
shane dawson made a video about dis
money is the root of all evil smh. may he rest in peace
I'm sorry but to call your own on an uneducated low life, what is that supposed to mean? Because you have an education you're better than everyone else?
You can take the neanderthal out the cave but you can't take the cave out of the neanderthal.
Mommy? Ew. Wtf
Killing someone over a third of an amount of what would be spent in a year?!? And their brother at that.
No offense but the daughter seems sterile and cold
All about money! So sad!
After months of watching Crime Watch Daily, I really wonder to myself why the keep going on with the confrontation. Literally 95% of the time, no one comes out of the house or the people drive away in a hurry.
What were these old heffas gonna buy with the money they killed for? New dentures? Smh
"speaking from the grave" no, you fucking idiot, just no.
Families fucking family over: that should be the urban dictionary definition for "executor"!
White Life Matters
They know the intentions they had in there hearts when they sent that man over to him… In the end their gonna have to take this up with God on judgement day.
Why do they always say sorry when they cry on camera? Like it's OK…
For them, money was more important then a life
look at his mugshot fkin guilty all over it
she looks just like her father, u can tell he was a nice old man, u can see how discusted she is with her cousin so messed up they did her like that taking her parents life but his hog ass mom gets to live life out on the world with no consequence of her pr her idiot son or herself smh
YOOOO how do u plot to kill ur own fucking brother? seriously? that's pure evil man..
Y'all already posted this story last year….so unless there's new developments, why are you reposting?