Zachariah Anderson, said to be ‘jealous’ and ‘obsessed’ with ex-girlfriend’s new lover, convicted of his murder, to be sentenced today at 2pm ET.
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How disgusting that the judge wouldn’t even allow the lawyer to talk on her clients behalf. Much less his family members. What a piece of garbage. I hate this judge. For those of you watching from outside of Wisconsin, we have great judges here. This is not one of them
I’m satisfied in knowing he will NEVER get paroled b/c he will never take responsibility and accountability and more than anything that’s what the board looks at!
I have never I’m the 50-60 trials I’ve watched seen so many “errors” made by a PSI reporter! It goes along with a normal pattern for him it’s always someone else doing it wrong or making a mistake it’s never him!
The Judge feels lil bit dusty
Wow…. This coo-koo female defense attorney must have been at a completely different trial with completely different evidence and proven facts. WTAH is she doing? This shows a complete lack of integrity, way past her being an advocate and fighting for her client.
I'm pretty shocked that the judge would not allow his family to speak as well, they usually do don't they?
I love this judge xx
I messed up I apologize to everyone
Why does the judge give Biden vibes
You really need to take the obsessed ex off the label. You presumptive fools
This judge is whacko
If I was able to talk Id ASK! Ok Zack are you calling your own lil girl a liar ? Are you saying that she was never with you when you stalked your ex her mama & her new BF? Are you saying she made that all up? But for her testimony you might have been able to get off…. SO what did she get out of all this for testifying against you? Nothing! But a broken heart, home & the weight that you pulled her into your jealousy & loss of control by trying to turn her on her mama & now all this lil girl has left is the feeling of this man's death on her lil shoulders all because of you being selfish!
He's no Judge Durrow
The defense attorney, it was like that was her boyfriend or something. I thought they would hold hands at one point. You would thing that they were a couple. You watch, its not over for her. She will be defending him for free in the future. That attorney is in love with her client.
AAGGGHH…it was brutal listening to this judge. I'm thankful for the sentence but his thoughts on the judicial system and how sentencing has changed over the years was long and obnoxious. I mean who cares? Sentence the man already! If he said another aagh, this judge needs to retire. It was hard listening to him talk.
Zechariah lacks remorse whatsoever! He is a cold blooded monster! He does not even deserve the parole without even finding it in his heart to disclose what he did to his body!!! He has not given his victim's family closure. He is still the one who has the ball in his hands. He is evil!
Judge seems to be past his sell – by date
Nicole Muller one of the defense attorneys needs to show respect, I get it that proscutors/defense are working hard. She is one of the rudest I've seen in a long time. But at times she looks like Zach and her want to be more friendly.
Also, Some of her outfits are not fit for a courtroom. You don't have to look like a nun, but anything low-cut is inappropriate.
Listening to this old koot ramble is punishment enough! said everyone in the courtroom.
was his body ever found?
He's going to have a lot of boyfriends in prison, I hope he suffers for the rest of his life.
This judge has reached the rambling stage of life.
Zack Anderson was innocent. Sadie was the actual murderer. Read with open mind…1. Blood and DNA would've been all over the van regardless of the best clean up attempt. 2. Zack could never have lifted Rosalio's dead body to the van without dripping massive blood amount. 3. Zack Anderson's DNA would've been all through the apartment given the scene. 4. Zack would've been all marked up if he had performed such a violent act. 5. Sadie was the first on scene and immediately pointed finger at Zack. 6. Daughter was heavily coached by the mother. Inmate Washington was told what to say by corrupt prosecutor. 7. It's very rare not to find a body or DNA anywhere throughout multiple locations the alleged murderer had traveled. They tracked Zack's movements and found nothing. I believe Sadie (and help) killed Rosalio in heat of passion when she learned he was calling other women as much as he was her. She was the obsessed girlfriend who killed and the blamed ex husband. The problem is the police never looked anywhere else. I bet they find DNA in her sink traps, car, or property. Trace her phone from 5/17 to 5/20 and see where she's been.
This judge!
Há uma palavra que não tem tradução em nenhuma outra língua : “saudade”e esta mãe a diz sem saber “ saudade é arrumar o quarto de um filho que já morreu “
I’m happy I wasn’t the only one disgusted by the defense attorney and defendant. Idk what’s going on between those two but it’s not professional imo.
I've never seen such a farse of a trial. The jury in this case got it wrong, the judge was horrid, and the DA corrupt. This sentencing is a perfect example of all that and not surprising givin how this trial went down as a whole. I want Anderson's ex to realize that one day she will have to face what she did to him!
He has not shown one iota of emotion during this whole trial. Love, anger, sadness, regret, indignation, fear? Nothing. Bizarro.
For all the peeps who are spewing hate about the judge- he's doing his job! The judge explains his decision by opining for the appellate judges! Most all cases are appealed and the trial court judge's decision is thoroughly reviewed! Good job, judge! Kudos for thinking of the now and the future court processes!
As I heard another judge in a different trial when the convicted mother was starting to speak- He's a convicted murderer! He is not innocent! The only reason the murderer wont tell where the body is so he can continue the appeal process. The defense atyorney is wrong! We DO WANT murderers put away for the rest of their lives to keep society safe from those murderers! I still believe in the death sentence!!!
Great JUDGE.
Too many judges allow people to speak to/about the guilty party. I agree that this is not the time or place for that
Zachariah Anderson is innocent
Didn’t miss the defence attorney or this judge. I forgot how long winded he was. I just wanted to know his sentence.
The judge is awful! It’s like a speech from joe Biden. He’s just awful.
He is a manipulator, a gaslighter and a great BSer. Good luck behind bars buddy.
Wow. The defense attorney is unreal! This trial has been insane!! She grates on my last nerve and the judge…ugh.
There is a time and place for the history of law lectures, I don’t think the sentencing of a convicted murderer is the moment. 
So, by my calculation:
2y+2y+6y+life w/ parole eligibility after 40y.
Credit for 1092 days served (almost exactly 3y). So minimum of 47y left (17,155 days) before eligible for parole.
54 days good behavior time for each year sentenced (54×47= 2538 days)
17,155 – 2538 = 14,617 days (40 years 15 days).
So just over 40 years would be the MINIMUM amount of time he still has to serve.
*note: he will NOT get parole unless he admits to the crimes & shows remorse & reform at his parole hearing*
I get really witchy about things, and I do not get vibes from him that he did this, he made crap mistake with the ex and the kids, I do not think he murdered this man. I believe he is innocent.
So his daughter is somehow angry at her MOTHER?!? WTAF?!
Ugh this is heartbreaking
and so very unfair that because of Zachariah ANDERSON’s murderous heart, she now has anger toward MOM??
She blames Sadie for what her father did?
I don’t get it.
He is innocent! He did not kill that man! Him transporting marijuana doesn’t make him a murderer! I feel for him and his family!!
I feel it's wrong to not allow a defendants family not allowed to speak. I don't mean as a way to sling mud between exes but if a Hero exempt for a act usually made without thought is allowed over several acts done throughout life both with n without thought and for the best interest of another over own personal feelings should be taken into consideration over a moment in time. When a mandatory life is not the only option in a sentence. If criminals killed are put over police or other victims like we've seen done by our Democratic govt then a defendant should be all the same . Maybe it will bring some type of forgiveness to a victims family to understand the person made a terrible choice but it's not all they are
Yeah, I bet you have gotten to know him better…you flirt non stop
DEFENSE Attorney:
THE SARDINES were NOT OPEN your honor!!!!
RELAYANCE…[NOT a word, dictionary is your friend ms thang defense counsel].
Sadie is a piece of work.
What a piece of trash.
She only dated rosalio 2 weeks.
Mr. Anderson's character? What character? A cold calculated manipulative murderer.
he and this lawyer are good couple