Aspiring actress Michelle O’Keefe was fatally shot in her car after appearing as an extra in a Kid Rock video. She was shot in a parking lot in Palmdale, California. Iraq war veteran Raymond Lee Jennings, the parking lot security guard at the time, was convicted of her murder and then set free.
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OMG, why so many stupid comments on this vid? And so annoying to hear vapid parents talking about "kids" as though they are smart and organized … except NOT!!!
My mom and dad know Michelle’s family and I’m sorry to say this but I’m sure that Michelle’s friend and the friends boyfriend killed her. She was jealous of Michelle. Who just leaves their friend at a park and ride in the middle of the night and not make sure they leave okay! Cmon.
I've parked my vehicle in that lot once to ride to Long Beach with my brother one night. It was a reminder to pray for the OKeefe family. I drive by it a few times a year and always feel a lump using my throat. Her family is a wonderful Christian family and I know the pain of losing a child in the very beginning of their life. It is too much to bear. If not for the promise in 01st Thessalonians 04:13-18, I'd have lost my mind.

Guys I know her mom her mom was my avid health teacher at Palmdale High School she still is a teacher there I remember when she told us what happened she broke down to tears
When the narrator says " Michelles friend dropped her off and she told mike, "she saw her put the mustang into reverse" …… and what her friend didnt see is that her car went into reverse hit a planter and came to a stop. This was no ACCIDENT Someone had just blasted 4 9m slugs into her face and chest " ……
Really wtf, shitty narration in my opinion. But was the "friend" ever questioned? I feel like this whole case was just not properly investigated. The family doesnt deserve this. And those of you making jokes and saying :ClaSs aT 10 pM" be quiet. In the av yes it is quiet normal. The Narrator made it seem like it happened all so fast how can her "friend" assume she was reversing into another spot but few seconds later Michelle gets ran up on and shot ? How she got shot so many times and so close. It was a personal issue someone wanted to hurt her in my OPINION. AND THAT JUST BREAKS MY HEART . What kind of friend doesn't wait, esp if they are both going to the same class ? . I just hope mrs. O'keeffe gets the closure she needs she the most sweetest lady. R.i.p to this angel only Michelle knows the truth in my opinion. (And not saying the "security guard" isnt guilty, idk I wasnt there . But I feel like more justice could have been done for her and sorry if I misspelled anything)
Hes just fucking observant. I would think stumbling upon something like that, you would be frozen and time would slow down. You would be in fucking shock thinking it was a dream.
Hey Dad, not all low-paid security guards are idiots. This one happened to be a National Guardsman, so he would likely know things your run of the mill mall cop wouldn't know. And further, you're not a trained detective, so your supposition that Mr Jenning's killed your daughter, or had something to do with her death, is wrong. Please recognize that fact.
My heart goes out to the O'keefe's because they lost both their children. I hope someday they will know who killed their beautiful daughter.
Class at 10pm???
The witness becomes prime suspect. So kids, if you stumble upon a dead body, don't call the police… just run for your life!
Yea CPR won't do shit against bullets to the head.
What is a cesspool?Can anybody answer me that?
The dad has a deep voice very helpful and proud of him!!!
The Dad criticizing him for not helping her, but he's a vet and has probably seen people die before. He knew she had taken her last breath already. Plus if he touches the body, he could be accused of killing her. Which they did anyway, ironically.
some people are evil
not the friend's fault but she should have stayed in the parking lot until they both drove away.
Always have a lawyer with you when you talk to the cops.They are not your friends.
He looks so arrogant
Can's stop looking at that reporter's fake nose.
This is an incredible story and the first wrongful conviction to be vacated by the Los Angeles County DA's Conviction Review Unit.
Damn, such a smart girl.
10 pm class
You see kids! Nothing good can come from listening to Kid Rock. When will these damn kids learn?
Raymond jennings reminds me of EdBassmaster lmfao
On one hand, the father says 'how could a trained veteran not know to do CPR' and builds the man up to be some super-soldier that could have saved his daughter. I get it. But on the other he tears him down with 'he had incredible amounts of information a minimum wage security guard you know normally wouldn't have.' Losing a daughter would be horrific. But thinking objectively in life is important. Be consistent. In cases like this, even if you lose a loved one, your opinion about who is guilty is not relevant. I've never been in his shoes, no, but he does need to check reality.
A Mexican gang member shot her.
class on a Friday night?
It's perfectly normal not to do CPR in that situation. CPR works for drowning and heart attacks. It won't help with holes in the head. He is a veteran and that would explain his interpretation of the scene. I'm not saying that he couldn't have done it but nothing here says that he did. You have to be careful when making reports to the police because the reporting party is the first suspect.
it's a sin that people kill one another people like that need to be in prison for the rest of their lives
I blame Kid Rock for her getting killed. If she wasnt there none of this shit would have went down.
LOL… yup, another former Dateline story… Keith Morrison did TWO episodes on it… "Girl in the Blue Mustang" when Jennings was convicted, and "Man Who Knew Too Much" last fall on Jennings' going free.
Sheesh Chris, could you at least rip off some different shows?
"an ibelievable gig…." wow you are right. That is unbelievable. I thought Kid Rock was dead.
Kid Rock sucks.So she had to know what awaited.
how much of her nose did the reporter chop off?
Don't even let that trash called haterZ rough your feathers
Either he gets paid to troll
Or it makes himself feel better and he's just a really really fat man behind a computer with no friends and no life
Lol nah I'm jk but foreal don't even waste finger muscles replying to the dumb shit that person says !!