‘Worst Nightmare’: Judge Locks Up Child Killer Letecia Stauch, Throws Away the Key

‘Worst Nightmare’: Judge Locks Up Child Killer Letecia Stauch, Throws Away the Key

Judge Gregory Werner addressed the court and Letecia Stauch before locking up the child killer for life in prison without the possibility of parole Monday. “A parent’s worst nightmare,” Judge Werner said before calling out Stauch’s heartless attempts to lie about Gannon Stauch’s death. Werner reprimanded Stauch for all the “lies on top of lies” she told in an attempt to victimize herself and hide the fact that she killed her 11-year-old stepson.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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20 thoughts on “‘Worst Nightmare’: Judge Locks Up Child Killer Letecia Stauch, Throws Away the Key

  1. I think Leticia purposefully set Gannons bed alight after overdosing him on his bowel meds and she was shocked when Gannon came running out of that house when the fire alarm woke him and he got burnt. She was hoping to blame him for dropping the candle and by him dying on that fire (as she planned) she would never have had to explain to Albert how she overdosed him. She didn’t count on his little fighting spirit and that he would wake before dying in the house fire
    Thereafter, he KNEW she lit that fire so she finished him off. This is the way her narcissistic brain works

  2. The pain definitely becomes less painful but its always there. My son passed in January 2008. He passed from an overdose. I could not imagine him being murdered. I would lose my mind. 😢😢😢😢 rip gannon

  3. Honorable Judge Werner, we need more judges in our system like you. You ran your court with respect and fairness throughout this trial yet also showed your own emotions which shows you are human. Thank you for putting this narcissist where she belongs although listening to her phone calls after she was placed in prison, she will never change – she makes me absolutely ill.

  4. I Absolutely Love This Judge!!!! We Need More Judges Like Him!!!! And The Prosecutors Were Also The Greatest!!!! Also Law Enforcement Were Spot On!!!! And Harley Her Poor Daughter Has To Live With This!!!! Knowing Her Mother Was This Evil!!!!

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