In her insanity evaluation, accused child murderer Letecia Stacuh brought up the different personalities she created. Stauch allegedly murdered her stepson Gannon in 2020. The defense is claiming not guilty by reason of insanity.
#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime
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People like her enjoy causing strife to the people lives in their orbit! They gain your trust while they assassinate your character behind your back. Anti Social Personalities and she fits the bill. sneaky, conniving and straight up EVIL!
Yeah sure- if she left Al, the kids wouldn’t have been taken care of like she took care of them- nice job making sure the kids were safe, you evil , dirty POS LIAR!
What a POS… she thinks she’s so smart. She was weaving those webs.
the smirking kills me every time she thinks she said something believable.
what a joke
Even if she had DID. One of them them is a murderer. So all of her needs to be locked up.
She didn't drive them to school, didn't do their laundry, didn't cook them food, didn't pick them up, wasn't home with them until late in the evening and nobody would know where she was…how exactly is that being a parent
She doesn't have 1 personality, never mind multiple.
She talks so much, that she talks her self right into trouble
She did not watch "Sybill"!
If she has a phd, I am Barbie
Cant wait till they carry her out of prison in a cardboard box, what she did to Gannon is unacceptable.
I really think she took his Vyvanse, stayed awake too long and started hallucinating. We know he wasn't getting it regularly because that was a huge part of her story. Also, it seemed to me that she put too much emphasis on that part of it anyway.. That was weird to begin with.. Add that to her already manipulative, abusive personality & everything just snowballed.
I’m confused. Obviously she is lying, but doesn’t a person with multiple personalities not realize they have other personalities. Isn’t that common knowledge. I guess she couldn’t google it since she was in jail when she realized she would use this defense.
Psycho demon.
The reason she puts her head down during the videos and the psychologist testimony is so the court doesn’t see her cracking up laughing at her bad acting.
Under united states law even if you have a mental disorder if you self consciously know what your doing you can be found guilty of murder.
So…she had a bad mom. Okay. My mom threw me down the stairs, I have a plate and 8 screws in my heel and walk with a permanent limp. She did that knowing I had JRA and Lupus, too.
Amazingly, I grew up to become a RN to help other people, not hurt them, despite my upbringing that was so bad, so painful, so humiliating.
Letecia is just a POS. Plain and simple. Lots of people deal with childhood trauma….I’d say more do than do not….but they do not turn into abusers, themselves.
The judge had her 10000% percent pegged when he gave his sentencing remarks.
Her duck lips have turnt to zipper lips now
She’s a murderer she needs tortured everyday of her life
She has an excuse for everything!!!
She remembers eveeything
So cringy to even watch
This is yet another MF who seems to think that "Not guilty by way of insanity" means you get to walk away scott-free.
A. this probably won't fool most juries and will just end up adding perversion of justice to the list of charges.
B. If you do somehow fool the jury, you'll likely be going to get institutionalized in a psychiatric facility which is leagues worse than prison.
This murderer explaining all her different personalities is ridiculous and laughable.She claims not aware of them but explains each like a character in a movie or book(probably where she got them .Ex-faje belly of money-movie Gone Girl,vampires in alaska-30 days of nights, character names from movie twilight(she admits to this one).RIDICULOUS!!
The only “Doctorate Degree” she has is one for LYING. What a ridiculous story she makes up here. She can’t shut off her verbal diarrhea. wow.
Also, she’s only 39? Yikes. I’ll bet her husband had no knowledge of her “multiple personalities” bull
It is very upsetting that the psychiatrist believe she is insane she the names of the personalities Leticia found them in the internet…WHAT???
She deserves electric chair! I am sorry if she is crazy. If I am crazy and kill someone take me to the chair NO TRIAL!
Easy for anybody to fake personalities especially when you killed your stepson. Her psychiatrist in her interview encouraged the personalities. So es she has personalities now or she is done. Very convenient to bring the personalities after the killing, disposing cover all guilt. She is guilty!!
She’s such a liar
I was actually diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder in Aug 22. When I heard about this story I don't believe for one minute she has DID. The way she talks about her "alters" is not consistent to DID. Her presentation of the disorder is inconsistent from my psychologist has told me about DID. She seems to be unusually aware of all her alters and what they did,said, thought, heard at certain times. Which is again, inconsistent with dissociative episodes and presense of identities. You can't switch on command. You can't control dissociation. DID is a disorder of hiddenness. Unawareness and amnesiac barriers is what makes this disorder take years to diagnose. People with genuinely multiplicity will off themselves before they off other people. Thats the nature and reality of DID. Many of us with genuine multiplicity have unaliving attempts and there are many that lost their lives to this disorder. She's using a very disruptive,surreal, and near fatal disorder as a cop out for a murder charge. People faking this disorder make it unsafe for us who genuine have DID to share our stories. This woman is perpetratinga harmful stereotype that people with multiplicity are dangerous. The only person to ever successfully plead insanity by multiplicity was Billy Milligan. He spent most of his adult life in asylums. How amazing for her she has her "multiplicity" so well managed that she can conveniently turn it off and on
The more she talks the less I believe her. Hope the asylum for the criminally insane treats her well.
I don’t know if she’s lying or not but I’m getting really tired of all these people claiming what they know about DID yet not even knowing it’s actual name and saying things that aren’t even true. Yes you can be aware of your alters and yes sometimes they speak with eachother and yes they usually come into place to protect you from traumatic experiences. THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT THEY DIDNT MURDER SOMEONE AND SHOULD BE IN JAIL. It’s just a coping mechanism for people