Assistant found dead in torched car in desert: Bodybuilders busted (Pt. 4) – Crime Watch Daily

Assistant found dead in torched car in desert: Bodybuilders busted (Pt. 4) – Crime Watch Daily

For the first time, Craig Titus’ mother is speaking out and details what Craig told her happened the night of Melissa James’ murder.

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27 thoughts on “Assistant found dead in torched car in desert: Bodybuilders busted (Pt. 4) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Titus got away with a lot as a kid. That mom is such an enabler. He was in surveillance videos driving the car that night that ended up burned and then audio recordings of him planning hits on witnesses. 🙄

  2. I raised my boy too proper!
    Lady why don’t ya take a look at your sons past actions he was a junkie and roid addict where were you there and he tried to order a hit on someone who helped him.
    That sounds SUPER PROPER 🙄

  3. Lady, your son had emotional personal issues. He had to juice aka use drugs to feel better about himself. You created a 2 personality type person. Crazy and then High. The drugs are the problem. I know as I once body built. That entire industry is utter disgust. The only one I had respect for was the 5% guy. He told it how it was and in the end it took his life. Only the good die young. Any body builder is a loose cannon. Stop living in La La land. Anyone in extreme sports and someone who needs that spotlight has deep down emotional issues. Wake up people.

  4. His mother is delusional and its pathetic. If the shoe was on the foot she’d be fighting for justice. There’s evidence but she’s blind. She probably babied him and never held him

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