Even with Kelly Ryan and Craig Titus behind bars, the killing spree might not be over just yet.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/23/assistant-found-dead-in-torched-car-in-desert-bodybuilders-busted/
Even with Kelly Ryan and Craig Titus behind bars, the killing spree might not be over just yet.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/23/assistant-found-dead-in-torched-car-in-desert-bodybuilders-busted/
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Relocate them to the cemetery!
What idiotic sycophant would help a murderer? People idolize others way too much.
Wóichim éll Góôss-Móhê
Lol……. They all some dumb ass criminals
These people are ALL CRAZY..
The informant made a terroristic threat during a call. Anything after that is conditions of duress. Nullified.
I honestly think that my car tire is smarter than these two
He's got that freaky Craig Titus look
He Was Going Through Withdrawals Crying and All That
I guess it is true. Drugs rot your brain.
doesn't the phone have a message that says calls are being recorded? 

"expose the wrongdoings" … ha ha ha, LOL
20 racks?
Talk about a bad investment
If the inmates got word that that guy was a snitch he's done for in their
and you know inmates pick up on info real quick so they'll know there's a snitch among them. Their moto is "Snitches get stitches."
This guy is LYING!!! He knew he was setting up hits on these people…
This case goes different directions. .where those body builder chick
Photo is so fake. Blood spatter is off. Simply look at the bottommost droplet. It could only form that way if the blood were to come from directly above.
Brady, "I didn't want to murder the witnesses, just grab 'em and relocate 'em!" Really? Where? Send them to Mars?
Are you sure you did not mean 'Dislocate them'?
God gives some brawn, but takes away their brain. Pathetic Narcissistic Losers – PNLs.
I submit only to true authority not mimics who are fakes
No insistment never prevents me from getting what I want
Just because you had insisted doesn't mean it's right or correct information
"relocate em" lmfao, well they are in prison, so most likely they are einsteins… but still its kind of amazing they think a story so far fetched, from a criminal, would be believed. Lmfao. Kill em all.
Steroid to fk! Sends u mental!! N ya balls shrink n u can't get a hard on… beware!
Those drugs have killed one to many brain cells!!! Shame you can build muscle in the brain, where it's really needed in this case!!!

Craig's a dumb *ss. He just keeps getting deeper lol
The man don’t know whether he’s British or American..identity crisis
These guys

Come On Man 
Craig is now a HUGH
Grab them in relocate them were though?? Brady dumb because u know dmn well u know u ment to kill
Dmn silence his friends that helped him without knowing it's not their fault it's not like you told them you were trying to cover up evidence of what you guys did I'm sure if they would have told they wouldnt have helped he would have told them right off the bat that's what they were doing covering up evidence
“I didn’t want to be part of something this big”???
But what crimes do he then think are OK?
“I’m innocent, so help me kill the witnesses for my trial.”