Murdered in front of her three small children on Mother’s Day. Two men were convicted in the crime but many are convinced they’re not guilty – and the evidence is compelling.
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Murdered in front of her three small children on Mother’s Day. Two men were convicted in the crime but many are convinced they’re not guilty – and the evidence is compelling.
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The husband looks evil….. does anyone have any updates? Did the case get reopened??
This commentator needs to chill tf out
The husband did it
WOW!!! Phew! This can truly happen to anyone. IDK how long them cops keep u in that interrogation room yelling and screaming and even if they don't let you go to the bathroom, I'd rather tell the truth and sit their pissy and stank before EVER admitting to something I didn't do or EVER fingering an innocent person to please them no matter what they threaten you with. The face that they want to close a case quickly or under pressure from the public is not the people issue they interviewing. Sad just anybody will do as long as they get a body in jail convicted. This mess gotta stop!
the reporter’s voice tho.. driving me nuts. lol

Sounds to me the police were looking for some one to blame so why not blame the two colored men HEY they get blamed for every thing in the states ! EVERY ONE KNOWS EYE WITNESSES ARE NOT RELIABLE AND THE POLICE ARE CORRUPT IN THE STATES ! THEY ARE THE SAME WAY HERE IN CANADA TOO ! Thats a Dam shame two men are in jail for a murder they didn't do! WTH is going on America ! Get your shit together !
look at the size of that dudes head…omg what is he an alien??
Why does the interviewer/narrator whoever she is have to do that to her voice? It bugs the crap out of me and makes this so hard to watch.
"The 20 something's"
Can't watch andrea isom way intense host goofy
So people go to prison for life, just because someone said they heard them admit to a crime? I hate it that people also go to jail for not having an alibi….telling police you were at home sleep alone, is not an alibi, because no one can corroborate your story. SMH
This reporter drives me bananas, she is so over dramatic to the point of being obnoxious. It’s like uh, feel free to emote anytime now, lol.
"Did cops get the right guuuuuyyys?" Woman is horrible.
The husband did it! He either pulled the trigger or he paid the person who did!
This could happen to any of us! All that has to happen is we just have to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
These guys get CONVICTED of murder
JUST because of "Hear Say"??
& Yet these guys PASSED THE POLYGRAPH TEST ON TOP Of that!
I think this was a hired hit.
Every time I click on a video and hear this narrator, Andrea Isom, I cringe. She's so grossly over dramatic and deep during narrations. It sounds phony and condescending to the victims involved in the particular case. Like, it just comes off as super insensitive and she's just trying to manipulate the viewers into really feeling injustice towards a case… As if we don't already feel that way! We aren't morons, we don't need someone selling us a pitch… And it belittles the families or survivors of victims, as if their tragedy wasn't horrible enough, and she needs to really bring the theatrics up another level.
Whenever she interviews a white person, she speaks somewhat normally. Whenever she interviews a black person, she throws some Ebonics in there. And then when she narrates, it's like what the fuckkkk???
What a bullshit phony ass reporter.
She's the worst on crime watch daily…
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