Curtis Lovelace was the golden boy of Quincy, Illinois: a football hero, ex-school board president, former prosecutor and assistant state’s attorney — until he was accused of killing his wife. Andrea Isom has the story.
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When the justice system and the court system seem to not give a shit when innocent black men get charged, convicted, and put to death in the weakest of cases, I wonder why there doesn't seem to be any sense of concern that justice is not being served. It donned on me that it is because it isn't rich, successful white men that this sort of thing happens to, WELL GUESS AGAIN.
This women talking for true crime is horrible.. I almost unbearable to listen… with him animated she goes over the story the way she talks over the case is cringe af
This is what happens when people are just addicted to winning. The prosecutor is one such case. Just wanting to win even if it means sending an innocent person to jail.
she’s a step mom not their mother the kids don’t call her mom.
So just keep going and going until you find a doctor that can prove your theory
WOW for starters … hes a prosecutor and lives just above the poverty line (as stated) … AND it looks like you can shop around for a forensic pathologist to say what you want to hear … JUST KEEP LOOKING FOR ONE WHO WILL SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR SURE ENOUGH AT SOME STAGE THEIR WILL BE A DIFFERENT OPINION
This detective seems to be using a little power that he has never had before and flexing it, regardless of what professional people have said before.
It's obvious his dead wife's cause of death was due to alcoholism and bulimia. Her arm gesture could be a result of a seizure before her death. If she was suffocated by force her eyes and nose would bleed due to the lack of oxygen which would cause her blood vessels to rupture.
There was no evidence of suffocation. If theres no clear evidence at all then the suspect would be innocent no matter what. Her wife is a heavy drinker and is addicted and already ill, feeling sick while drinking that night. Only to be found out her liver is not in good condition anymore. I believe the husband is innocent and that her wife died of excessive alcohol drinks that night. If you won't eat and drink too much then you consider yourself to be comimtting suicide. RIP but you should have stop drinking.
He murdered her
The narrator makes it unbearable to listen to this case!
Crime watch PLS GET RID OF THIS NARRATOR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is clearly a case of overzealous cop trying to climb the ranks by putting a prosecutor behind bars.
Dr. Baden shouldnt be considered tbis top notch pathologist anymore. He will give you whatever opinion you want so long as he gets that check. His testimony should be taken lightly…
Plot twist: the narrator is the detective
You can tell by the stress on his face ,he is innocent…shocking, cop has little man syndrome.
RIP to his exwife but jesus … who hired this narrator???!!???
Someone like that detective should never step foot in solving crimes. Dirty dirty
If you ask a question and don’t like the answer, ask enough people and you’ll get an answer you want.
I'm sorry but how the body was discovered isn't how someone dies because of alcohol.
When truth wants to come out who can deny it even if it's horrific
Uhhh…. 40k is a small town? I think not. That's pretty average for a suburb by a major metropolitan area.
Just above poverty? Two story house and he was a prosecutor? Gtfoh
You would think if not one, not two, but THREE medical examiners have examined this woman's body and they ALL THREE conclusively say "This is NOT a homicide. This woman was NOT suffocated" their opinion would hold more water than the one person who said "It MIGHT have been suffocation that killed her". There's still that sticky little detail of no blood on her pillow. And the fact that her children saw her that morning at breakfast.
I worked with Dr Baden in many cases including the Michael Jackson death case and he is brilliant!! You want answers ? Hire Baden!
Why am I being suggested this shit after all these years? No doubt it will show how bent the cops and justice system is in the US is, still the same today I guess, still living in the past!
I think the detective was wrong, if 3 doctors are telling you the same thing; then thats what it is. You dont keep searching until, you find a doctor who tells you what you want to hear! With that being said, i also dont like the new wife, she rubs me the wrong way! Those are NOT her children either, she may have adopted them; but she would of never had that chance if their mother didnt die! Its like she completely erases the fact that their mother was ever married to her now husband, & ever birthed those 4 children; & i think thats completely wrong considering she passed away! Also this guy goes through women, like no tomorrow; its crazy! Did he ever love any of them, or does he just want someone to help him with wifely things?
Alcoholism isn’t a cause of death. What did she die of? Suffocation? How?
Good God how did the narrator not get strangled to death?
“My children” they are not your children, their mother is dead you might want to replace her but you won’t
Law enforcement: WAS SHE KILLED????
M.E: no.
Law enforcement: … ARREST HIM
M.E: she wasnt killed. she was an avid drinker, her liver was twice its normal size…
M.E: i think someone needs a nap..
The detective must was being haunted by mrs.Lovelace
Why a moron with promotion desires has to torture a family like that.
I can imagine the narrator to have a very matter of fact face
The presenters voice …
R u @ of your mind… Your narrator sucks; some of us would actually like 2 learn. My Goodness, ..
It's amazing how many spousal murders are commited on Valentines day
Why this woman is talking like that? Screaming or whatever she is doing?! … I had to stop watching the video! G-d!
The narrator gave me a headache. Her voice is so irritating. I like crime watch but please don't use the narrator again.