Daughter Missing After Parents’ Home Broken Into, Set on Fire – Crime Watch Daily

Daughter Missing After Parents’ Home Broken Into, Set on Fire – Crime Watch Daily

In Montoursville, Pennsylvania, a home invasion has now turned into a missing person case.

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16 thoughts on “Daughter Missing After Parents’ Home Broken Into, Set on Fire – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Update: The daughter was found murdered and the boyfriend confessed to that crime and the attack on the parents. He was given life + 61 to 153 years. The other guy involved got 25 to 65 years

  2. "43 counts, of crimes"….
    Wow.. This man is the definition of evil and INSANE!
    I believe even the devil himself, would crown him "the NEW king of hell"… The devil himself is considered "an angel" compared to this DEVIL!

  3. Sounds to me like initially Michelle was involved,she let them guys talk her into the plot to kill her parents so they can get that inheritance and the one from her parents being killed..They're possibly protecting her or she had a change of heart and they knew she was a liability so they killed her..

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