GRIMES & MAYNARD #1 H8TERS – Everything Law and Order Blog

So, I’m pretty sure Grimes didn’t know about the video. It was just a kid, upset about my video, and it’s obvious Grimes had a few choice words about me, that he either said to his son, or close enough to his son to over hear.
The video of the kid is a couple years old now, and when I first saw it, I immediately called Harbor Division and told them about it. Not because it bothered me, I still think it’s cute, but because the internet is cruel, and this kid just loves his dad. I’m not mad at that. Sucks he couldn’t be honest with his son, only bitch about me, but yeah, I didn’t think this kid deserved to be subjected to the harsh words of passionate people 🙂
What is soooo strange about Grimes, is that he is not the only cop who is a dad, I bet almost all the male (and female) officers I record have children, of all ages. BUT this 1 cop, who wont talk to me, is the only cop who’s child has lashed out at me, AND HIS young daughter has made her way into my comments in other videos too, and I quickly remove them.
I’m not sure what it is, this dad/cop has done different then all the other officers, but his children are the only ones, as far as I know, who publicly resent me…..
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “GRIMES & MAYNARD #1 H8TERS”
  1. So, I'm pretty sure Grimes didn't know about the video. It was just a kid, upset about my video, and it's obvious Grimes had a few choice words about me, that he either said to his son, or close enough to his son to over hear.
    The video of the kid is a couple years old now, and when I first saw it, I immediately called Harbor Division and told them about it. Not because it bothered me, I still think it's cute, but because the internet is cruel, and this kid just loves his dad. I'm not mad at that. Sucks he couldn't be honest with his son, only bitch about me, but yeah, I didn't think this kid deserved to be subjected to the harsh words of passionate people 🙂
    What is soooo strange about Grimes, is that he is not the only cop who is a dad, I bet almost all the male (and female) officers I record have children, of all ages. BUT this 1 cop, who wont talk to me, is the only cop who's child has lashed out at me, AND HIS young daughter has made her way into my comments in other videos too, and I quickly remove them.
    I'm not sure what it is, this dad/cop has done different then all the other officers, but his children are the only ones, as far as I know, who publicly resent me…..

  2. Are you SHITTING ME???! HE got his kid to make a vid… what a crooked slice of bacon that one is. “Watch out you may annoy one of them or all of them!” That kid knows nothin.

    Edit: corrected word from “of “ to “or”.

  3. Poor kid is just like his father , stupid !
    I love when tyrants and oppressors act like peace officers . it makes for great video.

  4. It’s so funny that the cops will stoop so low that they will use their own children to try to degrade an auditor doing something that’s constitutionally protected

  5. I love kids who stand up for there dads.I think the cop is wrong for the way he treats Laura and thousands of others but you have to respect a child standing up for dad whether hes right or wrong.Thanks for the video and not smashing the child many others would have seized on this video and ravaged the poor child.Surely Grimes can see you have honor and respect for whats right.

  6. Laura, thank you for blurring the kiddos face and having compassion towards the kiddo and the possibility of him being bullied because of his views about his dad. You are a beautiful soul ❤️

  7. The Kid sure knows how to lick his daddy’s boots! Going to be a great Deadbeat Cop when he grows up !🌹👍🏻🌹👍🏻

  8. Cops are always very quick to denigrate and condemn their detractors and so called cop-haters,while dismissing and vehemently denying their own hateful biases based on race,gender,religion,or economic condition.We are asked to believe that these egregious incidents are the misdeeds of only "a few bad apples." But why does the institution of policing so consistently shield these miscreant misdeeds? Too often,when biased policing is pointed out,the response is to circle the wagons,deny any intent do to harm,and block any disciplinary actions against the officers involved.This sends an unambiguous message that cops are above the law and free to act on their biases without consequences.It also says that the institution of policing is more concerned about defending itself against any just criticisms than rooting out the bad cops.

  9. That little girl should be a little more informed. #1 Police almost NEVER prevent crimes, they get there AFTER the fact. #2 If there were not people like Laura Shark the police would run rampant, which they often do even when they are being recorded. #3 These posts often show just how egotistical many of these cops are. #4 These posts often show just how ignorant of actual laws most of these cops are. #5 These posts often show that many of the cops believe that just because they don their clown outfits they automatically become your Lord and master and you must obey their every command. I guess that I could go on and on, buy you get the idea. P.S. I despise the cops that wear the "blue line flag". Why? #1 The flag should not be defaced. #2 I shows that there is indeed a separation from them to the citizens they are suppose to "serve and protect". #3 I served and lost many fellow Marines fighting for our flag. #4 Title 36 Chapter 10 §176. (g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

  10. I feel sorry for the lad he has been done a great wrong doing by his dad. His dad has put his opinion above the rights that u have . I take it the lad will now follow suit with his dad and become another bad cop…. maybe the young lad will wake up but I doubt it
    Great video LS CW 👍👍👍

  11. Must be weird to be the son of a thug cop in school these days. I’ll bet he gets picked on enough to grow into a real life cop one day.

  12. One day that little kid will grow up and understand what it is Dad does is destroy families and enslaved people

  13. I just want to say to the kid, your dad is not a hero 99% of the time.
    and he is so upset at people recording him is because deep down he is ashamed of what he does to people.

  14. Is that girl even old enough to be on YouTube let alone "REALLY" have any ideal about Life and truth….poor little gal….or boy which ever

  15. I know a lot of guys that their father was a cop. Their father wouldn’t let them be cops. Most of them hate cops.

  16. CPS should investigate Grimes for mental abuse of a child. coercing his child to be a part of something Grimes claims is dangerous.

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