Cold Case: Body of Michigan Teen Found Roadside After Party – Pt. 4 – Crime Watch Daily

Cold Case: Body of Michigan Teen Found Roadside After Party – Pt. 4 – Crime Watch Daily

Authorities say an underage drinking party set the stage for the brutal murder of Erik Cross. Can new clues lead police to his killer?

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34 thoughts on “Cold Case: Body of Michigan Teen Found Roadside After Party – Pt. 4 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I feel so bad for Bill. All those years of him suffering and people blaming him. I really hope this case gets solved.
    I could feel Bills pain i really could, he is a broken man.

  2. My heart goes out to the best friend and definitely the family. 🥺 I pray they find out who did it. Somebody know something and amber knows something smh he deserves justice.

  3. everyone saying they feel bad for bill, his best friend, I very strongly suggest you check out the facebook page for erik cross: "justice for erik stirling cross". there's so much more info there they didnt cover in this. (like amber failing 3 polygraph tests) anyways, I don't buy his tears, something deep inside of me tells me he knows more than what he said. I don't trust the guy, we saw a quick 5 min interview online, this town knows these people and the case personally. if they feel somethings not right with him, I trust their suspicions. dude is phony

  4. damn… as of last year, the michigan attorney general issued a statement saying they wouldn't be moving forward with criminal charges against the suspects in this case.

    this is what the AG said: “We know this is a heartbreaking decision for the Cross family but there is simply not enough evidence to criminally charge any of the remaining suspects with the death of Erik Cross. We can only imagine the decades of pain and anguish they have experienced and we wish we were able to make a different decision. We did everything we could in this case, including re-interviewing witnesses, but it is clear that we will never know the truth about the tragic circumstances that led to the death of Erik Cross that night more than 36 years ago.”

    how ridiculously frustrating and sad. this world holds no true justice.

  5. I kind of feel for the best friend and based on the interview with him i don't think he had anything to do with the murder. With that said I do wonder why a lot of the community thinks he was involved or knows something and Im pretty sure he didn't. There were real tears. Such a sad story I hope his family can finally have closer. I hate the fact that it takes so long for police to make an arrest and its hard on the family members but I love when an unsolved cold case after 30 years finally gets solved and the person thinks they got away with murder and there life gets interrupted.

  6. UPDATE: In Jan 2020, the attorney general stated they were not going to press any charges and probably never will. I hope the threat of arrest made the gang that are now adults with family felt a bit of the fear that Erik did when they murdered him.

  7. Like many (if not most) of these TCD murders, the victim was not exercising good judgement. So, the victim is ultimately (if not necessarily legally) responsible for his/her demise. Staggering home drunk in the wee hours of the morning is not a formula for a long, healthy life.

  8. Watching his best friend speak of Erik's murder, theres no way. There is no way he had anything to do with it. It broke my heart to watch him cry and saying he died because he was supposed to be there to keep him safe. I couldn't imagine being in his shoes. Simply because he was dating the sister, what does that have anything to do with his friend's murder. Nothing. Those towns people should be ashamed. And the fact NO ONE would talk to Crime Watch except for the best friend. But then you've got people like Amber. "oh no, that's ok, thanks". Really tho?

  9. Amber, you’re a real piece of shit for not speaking up and telling the truth about this poor kids death. Karmas a bitch you’ll get exactly what you deserve eventually.

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