Only Crime Watch Daily sits down with two of Steven Avery’s children, twins Bill and Steven Jr., for their first-ever television interview about the man at the center of the controversial Netflix documentary, Making A Murderer. In this candid interview, the twins share what it’s like living in the shadow of infamy and seeing their family tragedy become an American obsession.
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Awww, they seem special and look exactly like there dad .
ACORDING TO Just Another Theory podcast: ''Making a Murderer "Letter to Zellner" They found WHAT???'' the Police FOUND. A. BODY & took measurements of the body.
Kiwis can't fly.
these poor boys :(. a twin myself, i feel extra for the both of them. you can tell how broken they are. i hope they can find peace and acceptance in order to move on in a healthy way.
WTF is with you retards saying "simular" and not similar.
in my opinion, teresa is "JUST" in the eye of monitowoc is collateral damage… the family of teresa got paid with millions to silence and much cheaper than 36m USD and humiliations will the justice system in US will get if avery's will win this case…. RIP teresa your death have a price…
Kratz is a c u n t.
You know why they were not asked to take part in the documentary, it's because their views would not have been very helpful to it. They painted a picture of evidence planted etc so them saying they believed their father did it wouldn't go down too well in that program. Which far from being unbiased was heavily in favour of avery. And that's the reason why lots of people think he didn't do it, which would not have been the outcome if the program had just presented the facts fairly. But that would not have given them a riveting program which is what they wanted. They depend on ratings and payments after all, I think people forget that and think they presented a totally unbiased view. That program should have had a warning before it started saying this is pure fiction because that's what it was.
did this fucker get released yet
Steven Avery is innocent they didn’t want to pay the lawsuit they framed him everyone is this family was ruined
Wait why didn’t they get to use their white privilege?!

right on ", but Mr Ken Kratz did you forget that Bryan dassey stated that Bobby dassey said there's no way that he( Steven) could have killed her 'I seen her drive away? so why didn't you call Brian to the witness stand hmm ??? & don't forget on kuss Road a leading officer radioed Mike Bushman not to bring those dogs up here ' there's been a homicide , sshhh-don't tell anybody LOL 
he said it ever so quite nonchalantly but it's there Plus someone related to zipperman who is in prison said he would shed light on this case when he got out of prison a must share with Katherine Zellner , it's just a matter of time for Ken Kratz in these so-called law enforcement club members of " the possy " not to mention the dishonorable judges,we now know ' threw inside information when the s*** goes down Ken Kratz is going to take the blame but because 4 some reason they're not supposed to be able to sue him and or put him behind bars where he really needs to be along with quite a few others in this so-called law enforcement agency which is more like the satanic tormentors anyway for some reason by law they're not supposed to be able to sue him but the county that did this to him( Steven Avery & Brendan dassey )well at some time supposably settle for a low ballpark figure for around 18 million dollars apiece , was found out by one of the episodes on rubber ducky as she was tired you could tell but she read something off of Reddit, by someone who is on the inside an Insider police cop who was 39 years old at the time when he was watching kuss Road for them and he didn't know what they were doing until later on he had discovered this and that and another thing with some of his other police colleagues who were filling him in on what was going to happen when the s*** hits the fan, and we know how Ken Kratz has put his self into the crime scene and or murder scene numerous times mentioning and telling us about these pools of blood in the RAV 4 , and there probably was pools of blood in the original real RAV4 but not the decoy one that the dogs didn't hit on, what we now know and understand is that one (the decoy one )didn't have enough blood in it to appease a mosquito, in which case once again he has suspiciously contradicted the story' yes mr. special attorney Ken Kratz original statements are quite contradicting as opposed to the actual evidence ' (the real & true facts) which was and had to be covered up and changed because there was probably evidence that would incriminate law enforcement officials by presenting this particular or should we say the real crime scene at kuss Road which is the real RAV4 more than likely potential murder scene that had went down at the possible or highly possible as the math would tell us, numerous Witnesses who saw the RAV4 that had the 2 windows shot out of it ' the front and the driver side & that was what that particular & other Witness had saw, now do the math, two windows + 2 shots to the skull? Scott kadash tries to sell a 22 rifle in which was the estimated size of the bullets that's supposedly went through Miss hallbacks skull ' the 22 rifle belonged to Bobby dassey, who in his earlier testimonies was with Scott hunting and another friend of his, he comes home with blood all over his clothes but wait ' with no deer ??? or did he do the honorable thing and really move a dead deer off of the highway like he had said ? If you believe that ' than I got some land I want to sell you in Arizona LOL but when the ship goes down Ken Kratz is supposed to have some kind of video that will expose him 4 being sued in which case they believe he can't be sued by law and are charged according to original or should I say law enforcement agents who had enlightened this particular 39 year old inside informant , but what did people tell us in the beginning ? The townsmen said ' everybody knows they burnt up her body in that one building ' could someone enlighten me on that? 1 building ? Zimmerman's ? perhaps the video is in there that Ken Kratz has are perhaps Kathleen Zellner should request all of Ken Kratz evidence for discovery she can legally do that, then she can view Bobby dassey's interrogation which law enforcement will not not no way & by no means ' let anyone see so there's where you're real eye-opener comes in & sheds the light and the truth shall set you free!! So by incriminating these bastards will truly begin and I said it I'm pissed you know who you are ! Well anyway he Ken Kratz never had shown us these pools of blood or the body that was supposed to have been presented, only some burned up fragmented bones that were presumed to be POSSIBLY human ? really or Teresa halbachs , what a crock of s*** possibly human huh Maybe that is why the dogs never hit on them come on man really, did they really think the whole world is that stupid? and also the interrogators had mentioned to those who were being harassed and interrogation that there's going to be a Body presented, really? And we know there was never a body presented 'nor any pictures of were it came from so that had to change for some reason too '
but there was two bodies that seemed to disappear or die in one case , 1 was of coarse Teresa halbach and the other was her cousin Carmen boutwell who supposedly dies on Halloween aswell ? that in and of itself seems just a little too in coincidental not to mention satanic 'and you better believe that played some kind of part in all of this scam, police interrogated her( Carmen boutwell Teresa's cousin ) in there Cop Car 2 weeks before her death not to mention they also interrogated Teresa halbachs mother insisting she tell them of any other females are distant female relatives that she had related to her why would they do that before all this happened? read between the lines it's obvious, Theresa may still be alive, maybe ? and Carmen Botwell is dead ' so now obviously one way or the other blood is on their hands, probably cuz she's poor they probably used her bones that's another story in and of itself that rubber ducky does one of the best jobs at, not even a picture of the bones were found in the Avery property, and the dogs didn't hit on none of this they didn't even hit on the RAV and why is this is this because the police knew it was the decoy RAV ??? really , something to think about , not to mention how early Ken Kratz had went to the Steven Avery property in which case most prosecuting attorney's don't do , at least not that early , but he inserted himself into the whole nine yards a little to early on once again before hardly any evidence at all was discovered she was just a missing person at that point too ' are you kidding me , what the hell ? Steven Avery's two original attorneys thanking ? a very early stage like he knew what was going to go down but Judgment Day is coming boys for all of you ' so the real question is who will be the real man and man up as opposed to who will be the coward's and keep hiding behind the lies, of death we know and you know what happens in the end !!! I will say this, just in case we all have it wrong oh, yeah could we have all have some or part of this wrong,? Could the real killer be dead? on this note I mention someone a lot of you may have not heard of , who was in the state of Wisconsin at the time and nearby supposably there's even a picture of him in the distance of the courthouse standing a little bit far behind Ken Kratz, in which case he has denoted he's always there and he sees it all nearby at the time, a lot of which don't get much mention look up one of the most prolonged serial killers of all time Edward Wayne Edwards, and you might even check out the movie called, it was him, it coincides with the sikikey letter, to which we know was found very early on in this whole event , he's notoriously Infamous for trying to frame people, and has been long denoted as killing as far back as the Black Dahlia killer if I spelled that right and even before that, yes even before that which is Mega years ago, the Texas killings in which case he was in the area of all the above and even suspected as being the Zodiac Killer check it out and Google it, it was him??? the way to possibly truly find out is DNA because there was unknown DNA that could match to Edward Wayne Edwards and a palm print.
Wow. Don’t treat your kids like

if they come to see you in jail!!!!
I think the 18 years he already served in prison as an innocent man should be counted towards his current sentence.
He did it.
Im not saying he’s innocent or not. But it does seem pretty weird to me. I feel like i dont have enough evidence to what i think because a lot of the evidence you initially would need has already been butchered.
Stevan is innocent. It’s clear and the prosecutor won’t admit that they did mess up
God Bless these 2 men! You can tell they have good hearts and are good people!
Is there a part 2??? It cut off before he answered if he thought his dad killed Teresa
The real crimes are the judges cops
Man they look just like their grandfather.
U know that police department reminds me of brackettville sheriff's office they do the same kind of stuff to innocent people and it's not right … But come to brackettville American where they make there own laws
Go visit dad in jail to get spanked LOL yeah i can think of other ways to spend my sundays
I'm so sick of this lady useing her dad to make money. This bitch is sick.
"All bitches owe me" – Steven Avery before the murder of Theresa Halbach
Her ex bf killed her and her brother also maybe, at the same time Steven was going through the lawsuit for 36mill, it just fell quite nicely for the police too build a false case against Steven and too pay her ex bf X amount of money too get Steven behind bars too save them millions.
What the fuck was the point of this video??? Who gives a shit about his kids! Boring.

Damm saltines stay on code and sticks together
Wow!! they look exactly like their Dad!!
“Definitely was but at the same point I had a good life, I wouldn’t trade this life to see how that one would end up” —what great men.
Proper pair of Evil Bastards, if anyone did anything its those 2 slow pricks.
Damn… The smiley face killer… Im soo glad to see his daughter turned her pain into helping with this show… Its always easier talking to someone who's gone thru the same thing as u… Im happy for her to b able to tell her own story & not feel so terrible about something SHE couldn't fix…
The twins where so cute as kids!
People judge the twins! They didn’t do anything
SA is innocent.
These guys are hard to look at without making my eyes watery
i don't think that avery killed theresa, it was a police set up to not pay 36 mil to steven. theresa was killed by someone close to her
Those twins did not age well at all!
its not YOUR business. it was Steven Avery's (Sr.) business and you happened to be apart of the early years.
these boys are idiots. HE was thrown in jail for something he didnt do. Do you understand that? or did he 'leave you' by choice?… jesus
These boys were definitely born with a extra chromosome.!
The twins look like Avery clones.