Bounty Hunter Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Bounty Hunter Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Kevin Watkins finds himself on the other side of the law, accused of a truly horrible crime. Our station partner WXIN has been following the story.

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28 thoughts on “Bounty Hunter Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Most Bounty Hunters, aka "Bail Enforcement Agents", have no authority what so ever. Most have criminal records They buy their badges, cuffs, and pepper spray at the same place MOST of them get their training – from magazines. Most of them are police "wanna-be's" who can't pass the background check.

  2. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute….Did she just say that bounty hunters were allowed to cross state lines? I thought everybody was allowed to cross state lines.

  3. What body parts did they find? Didn't they say there was blood in ALL of the passenger areas of the vehicle? How can that be if there were only two guys he killed? In order to find body parts, he had to have cook them up probably thinking he could dispose of the bodies like that.
    This grieves me so badly. My heart goes out to their families. I hope those guys in prison, hook him up and then kill him!!!

  4. Bounty hunting should be illegal anyways they think they are cops and are just a legal version of criminal it’s sad that here in Washington state they are lax on bounty hunting 😥

  5. Life is not a game and we see bounty hunters in games looking cool. But not all of them have good endings. It’s outside of the law not giving too many options for the hunted. What a sad story.😞

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