Teen Charged With 8-Year-Old Girl’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Teen Charged With 8-Year-Old Girl’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Adrian Gonzalez is being tried as an adult on all charges and if found guilty faces a maximum of life in prison.

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39 thoughts on “Teen Charged With 8-Year-Old Girl’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Update unfortunately they moved it back to juvenile court and he'll be out when he's 25. I don't understand how. He was 15, what 15-year-old rapes beats and kills in 8-year-old and only gets 10 years. Must be nice

  2. If that were my little girl I would send him home to his mama…….in several different mason jars, COD! I'm Andy not Annmarie and I'm responsible for the content of this post NOT ANNMARIE!

  3. That teen is one sick and twisted creep!! I don't care how depressed you are, you DONT go raping and killing a child ffs!! I hope he gets what he deserves!!!

  4. why would anyone want to hurt a little kid it's selfish now because of his ignorant decision to kill her she's never going to be able to get married and have kids or do anything that her family would like her to do in the future rip to her

  5. I pray that he is k***ed before he gets out! He WILL do this again but he will learn from his mistakes and likely get away with so much! He will grow up to be a serial k***er! God help all the innocent little girls out there. There was no justice for poor Madyson, once he killed her the law forgot about her and choose to help cure a sociopath?!? Shame on the American 'justice' system!

  6. This case is eerily similar to that of Maddie Clifton. The fact they shared a name and were around the same age. And the fact that they were both brutally murdered by teenage boys.

  7. another innocent child gone but never forgotten this is so devastating for both families it really is however this boy needs serious help he just does what goes through the mind of a teenage killer ,this beautiful innocent sweet little girl did nothing to deserve this its just so brutal im am so broken-hearted for her family how do you recover from this i want to say i am so sad and sorry to all who have been affected by this RIP SWEET ANGEL CHILD YOU ARE FOREVER LOVED AND PROTECTED IN THE ARMS OF GOD.🌈🌟🌻🌻🌻🌻

  8. His behaviour is a typical pattern of a psychopath, killing or torturing animals is a telltale sign. Good that he is arrested,or else he would likely turn into a serial killer. Rip to the victim.

  9. Am I cruel since I'd be totally ok with the 15 year old getting the death penalty?
    That might be extremely, but I do believe if we had harsher sentences it would discourage more people from going through with these heinous crimes…

  10. I can't believe this is he crazy or sick in his head he deserves to be locked up in prison for rest of his life but I think he deserves to get dead penalty for what he is done to this poor little angel he deserves to roth in hell for this

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