Crime Watch Daily joins the manhunt for an educated family man who the feds say snapped – killing five people and landing himself on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Michelle Sigona reports.
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Crime Watch Daily joins the manhunt for an educated family man who the feds say snapped – killing five people and landing himself on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Michelle Sigona reports.
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Prolly has a new family in Brazil no
extradition laws
That cop is sexy has hell
Probably working for the biden administration
first of all, lets accept that the state dept is f'ed up- they do some kazy illegal shid- then add to that d2bw
He flee in Europe a long ago when it was easy to take a flight with no I'd required. There were a couple of sighting in Switzerland and Italy
Probably blamed the family for not getting the promotion
N.C. has a lot of rural places some places cops won’t go.
One thing Bradford cannot get away from is Karma whether it's in this lifetime then the next. Our karma is how we treat other living beings.
He had mental health issues, thus, he did not get the promotion. He was already crazy. He couldn't have been that smart since he burned their bodies and the smoke alerted the rangers.
lol at the intro
May I also tell you this; there are no active volcanoes in all part of North Carolina.
Here's what something that's worth making; Japan has the weakest influence on us fellow Americans, compared to Europe and Africa. Since William Bradford Bishop; speaks resl fluent from 5 or 6 different European and African languages.
This case was covered on Unsolved Mysteries 30+ years ago. Bishop probably fled the country and died overseas some time ago.
Hello first after listening to this case first time I see the Bishop family had some wealth at one time but living above their means didn't keep them wealthy, and the father had the Education good job able to travel with family often, but. Trying to keep up in this world is a challenge for anybody nothing is guaranteed, Mr Bishop biggest Problem was not being able to live that life style in that neighborhood along with Problems with his wife he didn't want anybody to find out that they were going broke,all Played into what happen, this is similar to the John List murders.I'm sure the wife wanted to work but he says no I'm sure her mind wasn't on keeping up but just trying to live and Hold on.well enough on this case or I will go on.Mrs P ur" senior citizen reader still in tune and here.
He's running for president under a new name Joe Biden
Why not just leave? People are weird…
I must say this one out smarted the feds , what's the old saying you can run but you can't hide I use to believe that anything is possible.
This is a travesty he should have been apprehended.all these people saying he is dead what people don't live to be 80?
he is totally dead
Robert fishers dad
You goofed this one up Crime Watch Daily.. he went to NC coast then to mountains
why is that lady reporter so friggen annoying ? – oh, its because she speaks ' so you were one of the fist officers on the scene – wjhat was that even like !?'. ….
Killed his family this Man is a Monster and lowlife punk
handsome my ass.. dude looks like a fucking psycho.
I am unwilling to allow your depression take my life and the life of my children ending up in a pit. I’m willing to help and get you help but i wouldn’t allow my spouse to take our lives away just because he is depressed. If you want to take your life go ahead. Yours and your own. My stuff, leave it alone.
Damn, he must had been so smart and had planned this all out and got away with it. Some murderers or mass murderers out there evade escape for so long that they could had died already. Not sure if he had change his identity to something totally different. Sadly to say that he’s not going to be in prison anymore.
Sick kills his mother who give he life