A 25-year-old man’s life comes to a violent end during a drug-fueled knife fight. A man convicted in the murder gets the maximum sentence – 21 years in prison.
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A 25-year-old man’s life comes to a violent end during a drug-fueled knife fight. A man convicted in the murder gets the maximum sentence – 21 years in prison.
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Scott should have went home. He was always on some dumb shit
That former DA should be in jail right with that idiot
Fire that DA. Right through the forehead.
I'm glad she's former DA and not still in charge
I mean.. if those drugs were all prescribed to him.. then it couldn’t technically be an illegal action/scenario (whatever the said) and the four drugs they listed very well could have been.. methadone – for maintenance Xanax-anxiety Paxil-depression ambien – to sleep
He wasn't acting on self defense at all. He went to get a knife, he murdered the guy. It's disgusting how anyone want to protect this peace of s***.
3 knew not 2 as stated by douche bag what about girl who called 911 saying there knife fighting
We've all been there! Am I right!?
1:07 attorney? She looks like a disheveled confused middle-aged alcoholic who closes down the bar every night.
Only in America smh
So they both have knives? But one got the best and now he’s doing 21 years?
Umm goes inside to grab knife then comes back out and stabs the guy to death!?! In what way is that self defense and to me this seems like it probably started along time ago from that girlfriend….
What about the girlfriends statement. Didn't she see what was taking place?
Self defense does not mean you go back in the house to grab a weapon and go back outside. Hello!!
She’s not blaming her son at all?
I think it was self defense. I understand that people want someone to pay for a loss. But he just won the fight.
"Verdugo " in Spanish means "executioner “
He deserves jail and deportation. Period.
Good to go fam, takes a few steps towards freedom, wait up homie we have a problem u were on some shit that night back to jail champ.
This is exactly why we need to take the drugs out of the Great American Pastime: Deadly Knife Fighting.
I'm truly sorry someone is dead…I just don't understand the fact that bc a person may b stoned they can't defend themselves w deadly force. I DO get it about the illegal activity, but…if it using drugs, esp if addicted, u shouldn't b carrying a weapon…it's a tough call
So…if ur stoned & someone tries to kill u, ur fucked???
If he left and went in the house and grabbed the knife and came back outside to use it that is not self-defense .
Everybody look good to Crime Watch Daily,
Hope that district attorney gets fired
Actual footage of fight:
He will have to answer to GOD
He should be punish for what he did
Man and I can’t even get one man to stick
Drug use…xanax is a prescription anxiety medication so is ambian …paxil is an antidepressant and methadone is also a prescribed medication used to help drug users to Stop using illegal/recreational drugs….none of those are considered recreational drugs!! So what…if you're at home alone and took your daily medication and someone breaks in….you're not allowed to Protect yourself!!???! ..Even if you DID u drugs that night and someone comes in to burglarise you and u defend yourself…you should most definitely NOT be charged for having to defend yourself!! ….I think in this instance it might be different since both guys knew each other and lived together, and also since he went Inside the house and then went back out…self defense should only be okay when your life is in IMMEDIATE danger….which..if u have to run OUTSIDE to attack the person, and you aren't beeing attacked at that very moment, or u don"t fear for your life directly where you are ( again, at that specific moment..), that is nooot "self defense" !!!
Why are all Americans full of pills, guns, knives and crazy ass opinions!? The country is fucking mental stop having kids you lot
That call didn't sound that frantic

He can be legitly on those drugs, Paxil for bipolar, Xanax for anxiety, methadone for opiate withdraws and ambien for insomnia.
This "Floras" woman is such a heartless brute
You can't claim self defense if you r high