Is Long Island Serial Killer Responsible for 17 Murders? – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Is Long Island Serial Killer Responsible for 17 Murders? – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily examines the hunt for a serial killer on Long Island and the possible connection to the murder of 23-year-old Shannan Gilbert. The investigation into her death led to the astounding discovery of ten bodies hidden among the sand dunes near Gilgo Beach, a small community in New York five years ago today. Investigators now believe the bodies are connected to a series of other murders spanning over two decades in the area.

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50 thoughts on “Is Long Island Serial Killer Responsible for 17 Murders? – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. That doctor look like a pervert that definitely new and hang out with Rex. Rex, mike, this guy, the client and officer Burke and who knows maybe those rich old men from that area where girls been found involved. They needed a hunting thrill. Hunting animals didn’t do the trick anymore so they moved on to girls who’s nobody care about if they’re missing. That’s my opinion. I think mike and people in that house didn’t know Shannon had her phone. They’re not supposed to bring any phones because of clients hearts conditions or something that can kill them? Who’s got heath issue? That doctor seems to have one. Maybe she had hunch about that client and brought her phone. Also she was saying to Mike that he set it up and he knew about it. Mike was saying that he just met someone. So could it be Shannon encounter Rex before and new girls disappears after visiting him? That’s why she is saying that theyre going to kill her? Could it be Shannon new a lot of sex workers gone missing and saw or heard some evidence in that house before they drugged her and she started freaking out.

  2. No way!!! What happened to that doctor that just grabbed his heart? Something is up" and my feelings are that someone important killed her … Why did he grab his heart to try and make them leave him alone, and stop asking questions, Come on dude your hiding something.. It just might be someone thats involved with the law, I wouldn't be surprised, Hummm..🤔 But they're gonna catch him sooner or later they'll get him

  3. I belive it was s cop or cops!!
    After she made that call the lady who made a frantic call the 1st night was prob found long before the others, only the cops did not want to say as it wouldn't look good on them.

  4. Justice will prevail! There are too many of us who are invested in seeing that ALL of those responsible are held accountable.These beautiful young ladies will not be forgotten and their murders will not go unpunished.

  5. “They say it gets easier. It doesn’t. That’s a lie” truth if I’ve ever heard it. They never come back once murdered and it never gets easier to except, just the truth
    Also love the camera guy; horrible acting ………….”what was that” 😭

  6. How can they assume she ran and drowned when she's the 11th body found? She possibly led them right the door of a serial killer! The dumpsite is right near his house. She dials 911 and runs from his house screaming then ends up dead. They find 10 bodies before they even find her but the first thing they do is clear the guy? What are the chances that all the identified bodies were other escort woman. God bought the truth to the light since the authorities didn't want to be bothered until It became a popular case and everyone was down there throats.

  7. Dr. Hackett interfaced with the Suffolk County Police and learned their language. A doctor in this capacity can easily prescribe painkillers and antidepressants 2 police officers and save them a trip to their doctors.

  8. I watched the movie and did a lot of reach and I feel like the dr did it and plus there was absolutely no drugs in Shannon system at the time of her death at all so it couldn’t have been a drowning because one you can’t drown in a puddle for two her pants were off and in the movie and real live no coke or anything was found inside of Shannon

  9. Umm that guy is clearly the killer. Someone is trying to cover for him clearly. That defib attack was so fake! He would of dropped right to the ground. Not slowly kneel so he doesnt hurt his poor knees. She was last seen running from HIS house. No one elses. Saying they're trying to kill me. THEY'RE. Not he is… She said they are. People dont just make those mistakes when calling 911. Her jewelry was also found in his yard. What so she ran from his house acting strange and just so happened to bump into a serial killer outside in that remote gated safe community?! Hell no. The chances of that are highly unlikely. Someone in that community knows something and is involved in these murders/disappearances. How the hell did they "clear him"?! What cuz hes a doctor? Worked with police? Well little fact… Doctors, dentists and police are all very popular job professions for sociopathic murderers. History has proven that. And they suspect the killer knows police techniques so that doctor is likely involved in the killings. Plus he sounds ALOT like the killer who kept calling Melissa's little sister.. Same tone of voice. The way he worded things. I have no doubt he was/is involved in the sick things going on over there

  10. I don’t understand why they aren’t putting a camera at the dump sight or at LEAST have someone watching it at all have a killer and don’t know who it is.. but you know they keep going to the same spot??! Excuse me? I can’t wait for the day I can be a cop and do this myself.

  11. IDK.. I don’t believe the FC.. I think the SK could’ve acted super chill after killing them. Acting like nothing happened! Psychopaths do that..

    Look at the Dating Game SK Rodney Alcala.. He was so charming & cool even after he horribly killed all the women too!!

  12. obviously the li serial killer strangle and drown Shannon. Shannon knew him. I believe she found out confidential information and that's why she died that night. All those guys at the party with Shannon should of been locked up till cops receive answers like the names of everyone at that party. I understand it's a small town and this case was something abnormal. we all know the li serial killer live in Manhattan NY when he killed Shannon but knew the gilgo area very well. The li serial killer is smart with technology.

  13. I think that doctor changed n he hacked them girls up. But who ever this is uses these bag. Or is purchasing them. Im mean isnt that an rare thing to use? Grains are sold in them but they can be purchased empty.

  14. They seem to not want to solve this 🤔 It also sucks that no one opened a door to let her in, but with the world we live in, we can’t open our doors because someone could be trying to get in and harm you or your family.

  15. Here is what I am certain of: 1) the killer is a resident of Long Island and knows Manhattan, 2) who ever is doing this is not doing it alone, 3) they have a damaged psychology, porbably done by a dark, abusive childhood and this is all about power, and 4) who ever is doing this has a hatred for women and men in drag.

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