In an alarming Crime Watch Daily social experiment, correspondent Andrea Isom helps demonstrate how easily unsuspecting partygoers can be “roofied” by a complete stranger.
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In an alarming Crime Watch Daily social experiment, correspondent Andrea Isom helps demonstrate how easily unsuspecting partygoers can be “roofied” by a complete stranger.
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I've been spiked i was spewing up blood choking on my own vomit and was hospitalized for a week. never leave your drink unintended if you need a toilet either ask the bar staff too look after it behind the bar where no one can touch it or someone you trust if you do leave it just order a new drink. and if its any thought that pops into your head that your drink has been tampered with even when you been sitting with it dont drink it thats your evolutionary instincts trying to warn you and keep you alive.
man its crazy how coordinated the spikers are these days, theyve got cameras, theyve got logistics
Mango frooty

Sometimes it's the people you trust and think you know.
Is the bartender in on it though
That man is a Roofie Rascal
Only scum would do this in real life – Subscribed
Bros a professional they need to put him on watch
Can ppl not have symtoms at all when spiked/rooofied if they only had one drink
Dont leave your drink with anyone…including friends…youd be amazed.
Sad, it's hard to tell girls [NOT ALL] not to take free drinks. Especially from a good-looking guy. I'm not being sexist. I've had women ask me for a drink for them and sometimes friends after 1 dance or a few moments of talking. Some will give you a menu of desires and say, "meet us at that table."
gift of the gab good looking fun and they drop there guard
this is good info
Haha! Great. Now i know how to do it. Lets see how she will continue to be proud of being a woman after she passes the fck out
This guy gives off a Ben Affleck vibe haha
Their going to end up on the Roof.
thanks for giving me the gameplan
From what I have heard about these "roofies", they are a lot worse than drinks of beer and wine being spiked with a couple of vodka shots, despite how strong vodka is, at around 55% alcohol.
Charles Stiles, mystery diners
Anyone visiting Austin in 2021 especially Rainey st bars and restaurants please please take caution that there is a serial drink spiker out there. This happened to someone i know recently and the cops didn’t take her seriously, just acted like she was a drunk tourist. Google spiked drinks and austin and lots of hits esp 2019. The cops are useless. Protect yourselves
Michael rourke was talking about this exact one like a true crime literally. That means their similar..but looks are very deceiving. You presume or assume you make an ass outta yourself individually mr. Ms mrs know it alls
Y this nigga good at this
he done this b4 cuh
i feel like the fact they knew this was a social experiment made them more trusting because they knew about cameras watching their backs
This happens to me Saturday in front of my parent’s NOSES!!!! It’s so easy to be drugged I’m grateful my parents took me home and nothing happend to me but I don’t remember anything
Okay but they know they're in a social experiment and that they are being monitored so they probably feel safe in this environment and feel no need to watch their drinks. Still sad this happens in real life tho
desperate guys ruining everyone having a good time :/
Where to get the drugs
Bill Cosby has better game and better aim. Swoosh
Plot twist: there is a real drink spiker there
These American girls are too trusting.
this is why you bring friends with you so you can watch each others drinks! or you ask other people you think will take care of the drink to watch it!
Wow that's scary, I'm glad I found this video. I literally had no idea men do this (or women)
Good thing I don’t drink
if someone is sharing say, 2L coke to 10 cups for share to ppl why would they suspect that everyone is going to get roofied? is he going to bring them all back home or something?? lmao
also they were invited to a social experiment , not a real bar so its very different
Social distancing makes me feel better now
Take note! This can't happen to just girls, also guys, and nonbinary folks, always be wary of drinks given to you from strangers and watch your drink. I'd also recommend taking someone with you, a really trusted friend, to go drinking with, need to go to the bathroom? Ask them to hold your drink and don't let go of it. Be safe, everyone!
It's so crazy how easily this can happen it's happened to a few of my friends it's so sad to see happen and the fact some lads here are taking the piss
Wow! Drugging people is easy! I'm gonna go give this a try. I have an instruction video and everything.
Obviously, I'm joking. Don't put me on some fucking list.