Who could perpetrate such a violent act? Crime Watch Daily sits down with the victims’ friends and family members as they discuss the case.
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Who could perpetrate such a violent act? Crime Watch Daily sits down with the victims’ friends and family members as they discuss the case.
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Pure Evil that is all I can say
How many people do you have to kill to get the Death Penalty, people cheat Death of someone like nothing and that is why they continue to Kill.i could give them the death penalty, and say you will not kill anyone Ever again.
I usually scoff when someone says they could tell a person is evil by looking at them, especially for women. But she literally seems like she exudes something vile from every picture and video
Just sick pure evil
Lady, GOD allow DEATH sentence for evils
What did the kids ever do to them
Great performance by Joe, give him the needle anyway,
Sometimes family inflict the worse cruelty on family this is horrific
Why on gods green earth as it takes seven years for these two to stand trial for the heinous crime that they did to her family?! They should’ve been sentence years ago They both knew what they were doing and he’s making poor excuse so that he can try to save his own skin from getting the death sentence here it’s disgusting. The two of them just should’ve excepted being an adult and got jobs instead of being fat lazy and started paying rent like real adult people do there’s no excuse for murdering somebody just because you’re angry that you can’t live off of your parents and sponge off of them anymore. This was absolutely disgusting and should have been put through court years ago!!!
This one with wig on is so blady anoying and like she's arguing and fighting tht poor baby e shot why on earth would e do tht tht evil phyciotic phycopath
Stop with the damn “insanity” excuse. I don’t care how crazy you think you are. NOTHING gives you the right to take innocent lives away! Especially CHILDREN!! how could you kill children?????
He shot two BABYS like fucking babys in the face I hope satan turns him into his own personal toilet paper
Insanity my ass
they both deserve the death penalty sorry but not sorry
then killt that baby 
you monstrous m********* pure satanism!!!
That was the worst acting by a psychopath SOB in court…. And the police not entering to verify the safety of the person who called the damn 911 for HELP while screaming and then being cut off, is beyond surreal!!!
That police department should've been brought up on some form of charges , because hearing someone screaming into a phone that goes dead and no one fully investigates what happened is just sickening!
Lame ass police department!!!
That girl hates herself so much, you can tell looking at her she knows what a low crawling piece of filth she is inside. She didn't want to work for anything so she tried to take what they had. Maybe she should never have been born. Would have been better for at least six dead people.
In a way I feel for her husband even though he killed those poor children, he really must have loved & felt hurt for her to have gone along with it. Unless of course it was financially motivated. Very sad. What evil walks this earth.

Rip to all killed.
If there was ever a case for the death penalty this is it and also by firing squad. They needed to feel a bullet tear through their head. I remember when Gary Gilmore was executed when I was a kid, by firing squad. He may have been one of the last with that method. It was a television event even though they didn' actually show it specifically.
They could’ve spelled Eons too
Washington state "justice system" is a joke. The people are also pathetic. These 2 brutally murdered 4 adults and 2 children basically for NO EFFING REASON! And they were split??? 8 to 4??? What's wrong with you people?