Peter Maliarakis strapped on a hidden camera for Crime Watch Daily to give an inside look into his average day at school.
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Peter Maliarakis strapped on a hidden camera for Crime Watch Daily to give an inside look into his average day at school.
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How Can They Keep Doing This? Your No Vote of Confidence Says What I said! Recipts attached. Dwarka Namita
Crime Watch Daily UPDATE:
You mean to tell me I had to work my lazy ass off by putting in the least amount of effort for the highest possible outcome bc my school did not have this program?!! This is an outrage! I 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 my place in the National Honor Society!! TF is this shxt?!
That’s so sad. I understand not wanting kids to fail. But changing a 40 to an 85?! That’s too much. A curve raise is perfectly fine since it helps & improves all the students. You can’t just pick your fav. And what does that teach them for life?! To kiss ass & even if u mess up, someone will lie and sweep it under the table and you get to move forward. I applaud this man for speaking out, knowing he’d get in trouble and he hasn’t backed down.
6:30 reading this book in school rn bruh
I’d sue the crap out of her and that school!!
The p e equipment budget was pilfered
The truth is teachers don't care they only care about themselves public schools are a joke teachers union is a f**** joke that's why the Democrats only want public schools it's not about teaching our kids anymore it's about politicizing them and it's about the money that's it
Least she should be sacked.
Ps. I would have been one of those kids who failed but still graduated… Ever stop to think some kids have way more important life decisions they make outside of school? And that school is more of a burden than a help at times. Soooo school systems need to step it up
Um this doesn't seem legal. And I can tell you right now that if someone tried to do that to me at work I'd just leave
The principle is ms truncahble from Matilda.
Ridiculous! Need an update!
The fucks wrong with the world
She’s a racist pure & simple.
Of course he is being treated unfairly. He is releasing secrets the staff especially the principal doesn't want revealed. So they are trying to intimidate him into being quiet. They are punishing him as if he were a little kid. He clearly cares about the students and school.
The school district is probably responsible for hiring her.
Throw her in jail. Absolute fraud and good for nothing.
this isn't the military or police force where code red type incidents happen on a daily basis, this is a school for Christ's sake and instead of laying low and trying to refute this teachers allegations they put him in time out and and give him the chance to prove or record the abuse………. duh! i wouldn't want my kids to be taught at this school and not just for the lack of teaching going on but also for the fact that these geniuses who are suppose to be intelligent commit a crime and so blatantly leave the evidence behind as if they were teens committing a gas station robbery…
Bro queens new York
His guy was my gym teacher lol
What is wrong with a Whistle Blower? If there is a whistle it needs to be blown.
Good news!
I hope someone punches that bitch in her face
This is a bunch of bullshit. The dude is doing what all of us should be doing and they have no right to punish him.
You had one fucken Job and you cant even do that right stamp the freaking book with enough ink for it to be seen…….where's the ink? WHERE??? 6:24 check at slow speed even WHARE IS THE FUCKEN INK???
Public schools are just as susceptible to greed and corruption as capitalist businesses. If you think education isn't about money…you aren't paying attention.