A natural-supplements pioneer leaves his massive fortune to his much-younger new wife — but is she divorced from her first husband?
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A natural-supplements pioneer leaves his massive fortune to his much-younger new wife — but is she divorced from her first husband?
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Beyond EVIL
OMG, his son looks like his dad !
Something doesn’t add up with his relatives the wife seems genuine 13 years you can’t fake that long she loved him and he wasn’t a bad looking old man
I dont think they are married decade… The family talking money all the time
She slept with an 80 year old man. She deserved all that money.
I believe that the old man did it on purpose, because these family members have no sorry for loosing their loved one. Just the loss of the loved Money. . . I'm happy she got all the money. She was married to him. Period.
The only question is did she illegally coerce him to change his will.
Well, she was with him 13 years. So 13 years = $800M. LOL
I assume they didn't care about their father. They were busy searching for life. She stick with him for 13yrs. She deserves it
”Manupulated him”
The man is a grown ass man, self made. He wanted to marry her, his money, his descision. His kids are just salty…
Just a brunette Bimbo , a la Kardashians ! … Low IQ most likely ! … ?
Umm, he was in his right mind. If heirs want the money, they should have been there for him. That's what happen when family dont talk.
it's ok guys, time to go out and get a real job like the rest of us.
Bed sores don't just happen from neglect they happen due to terminal circumstances
They are crying over the money and not for the man himself. He got bedsores, no one was around to takecare of the elderly man. Now that he's gone they are fighting over the inheritance.
lol someone's salty they didn't get their piece of the pie
I mean, I’m not feeling bad for trust fund pricks that think they should get their older relatives inheritance on the simple fact that they share similar DNA.
Oh no!!! The spoiled entitled rich kids are actually going to have to WORK for their money like everyone else in the world!?!? I feel so sorry for them!!
just by seeing the sons and grandsons face yiu can tell they only wanted the money
Lot of sour grapes
Put 5-10m into her movies but his companies worth 500b
You know if that dude was broke that woman wouldnt go within 10 miles of that old dude. She aint nuttin but a gold digga.
Nobody and I mean NOBODY needs $800 M to live.