Crime Watch Daily: 6 Family Members Murdered on Christmas Eve – Pt. 1

Crime Watch Daily: 6 Family Members Murdered on Christmas Eve – Pt. 1

A shocking confession and chilling details about what happened on that fatal evening.

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47 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: 6 Family Members Murdered on Christmas Eve – Pt. 1

  1. What? the cops just left? after hearing a woman screaming on a 911 call, and they just leave because the gate is locked? Pathetic excuse for not doing their job. Oh no, ya'll might have to go into a bad domestic situation that requires saving a woman from a madman.

  2. How can anyone kill a family on such a wonderful holiday? It's so heartbreaking that even the children were killed. The monster who killed this family didn't have a heart to spare them and show mercy. It's so incredibly sad.

  3. I think the police who responded are just lazy and incompetent and don't think and being it's Xmas eve they got more lazier, it happens especially in rural places, though I think theyre be too late regardless.

  4. Of course, it's an appalling act committed against the family. But I am saddened for the friend. That found them. This is going to be with her. The rest of her life. Christmas will never be the same. For those closest to the family. It's something that should never happen to a family. On any day. Hope the offender receives. The harshest punishment and victims faces haunt the offender. Day/night wherever offender goes and does.

  5. Christmas eve and christmas are both satanic holidays. Keep that in mind when you watch crime t.v…. a lot of people sacrifice new borns and small humans as well as family on those days. I've been researching crime for a long time…and also have a lot of info about the evil realm.

  6. I love all the stupid responses about how could the cops not get in but her friend could. Ah grow a brain maybe try to open your mind before your mouth/keyboard.

  7. Since when does a cop simply give up responding to a 911 hang up just because a gate wouldn't open? Wouldn't that raise their suspicion even more to make sure all was ok?!!!??? I know if i call 911 scream and hang up they gonna bust my MF door down to check

  8. Hopefully, the second these murderers and murders everywhere die they wake up in a strange place. Suddenly, standing before them is Jesus Christ and the people they killed. Imagine the horror of Jesus looking at you and asking you why you killed these people. Then, he opens the gates of hell and says, " into the fire, your hearts are black as coal".

  9. Yeah if you wanna know one of many reasons why most people, myself included, detest law enforcement sometimes, it's because how in instances like this they refuse to do their job.

    Wow, gods forbid that another criminal in this town commits a horrible crime and then puts up a locked gate, apparently that's kryptonite to these pigs.

    Seriously, what a joke.

  10. If you are going to die please fight for your life and give it a chance…and people who kill children should be horribly tortured for rest of their life. Not just prison and life sentence could justify Thier deeds

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