Crime Watch Daily: Where Could the Three Skelton Brothers Be? – Pt. 2

Crime Watch Daily: Where Could the Three Skelton Brothers Be? – Pt. 2

Families all across America gather on Thanksgiving, but for one Michigan mom, Thanksgiving is the day her three children disappeared. Since that day, police have received thousands of leads. But the questions remains: Where are these three boys?

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36 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Where Could the Three Skelton Brothers Be? – Pt. 2

  1. This guys a text book family Annihilator… you can see it in his face him Chris watts and Chad daybell as soon as the rest of the world starts noticing and picking up on these things we can avoid them at all costs.. when we really tune into ourselves our subconscious tells us these things we drown it out with food alcohol and entertainment but at base if we use our brains at there full percentage you can read people’s minds it’s not far fetched or crazy.. tune into yourself and people like this will show themselves

  2. And this is why my daughter does not see her father, children are very vulnerable, so if you know the other parent is abusive or unstable then protect your children. Supervised visitations are always an option. Frankly, it is way more healthy to allow the child to reach an age where they can emotionally process the disappointing state of their other parent. Yes, both bio parents have equal rights, until one decides to be abusive. Sorry for the boys ❤ hope they are peacefully happy where ever they are.

  3. I don't get it? he knows the boys where with a so called friend he saying he just met online. Now why would he give his boys to someone he just met online? no one would do that period. Then calls his wife in the hospital saying he hung himself. Who saved him and took him to the hospital? And why did he hang himself? is it because he just killed his kids and could not take living anymore tried so he tried to hang himself to make him look good, but it didn't work? come on guys really? later you find out there's no underground place and no joeann! this guy is guilty.

  4. Why aren’t they charging the dad? Or at least interrogating more to get some type of closure??? I mean it’s obvious he killed those lil boys smh. It’s like everyone’s in denial and asking to seek help to find them when deep down we all know the reality of this terrible situation. I pray for their justice 🙏🏽

  5. These kinds of story’s are worthless wasting time….leave any parent alone with the other tied down and I guarantee they will torture the info out…no answers is a lie….there right there with him and he is alive….let me do it! All I need is a room a wrench a lighter some water and a rag…..he will be wishing for death ..well that is if he can manage words that is….

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