Crime Watch Daily: The Dangers of Dating Apps Exposed

Crime Watch Daily: The Dangers of Dating Apps Exposed

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22 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: The Dangers of Dating Apps Exposed

  1. I realize that these are adult women but there should have a been a worried family member or friend pop out and start yelling at them to smarten them up. If that were my sister, cousin or friend doing that, I would have wanted to pop out and start (verbally)whooping her so that she can live a safer life.

  2. It work both sides … sometimes I have visited a girl in his apartment in the first date or her hotel room, but Its more about try to be smart, Obviously before doing that you need to ask their fb at least to see if they have tag friends in their pics that indicate that they are real, etc . Plus, who would be that dumb to rape in a hotel room… or killl….

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