‘Dr. Death’ accused of running pill mill that left 2 dead

‘Dr. Death’ accused of running pill mill that left 2 dead

Michael Belfiore, who was dubbed “Dr. Death” by the DEA, was busted for illegally distributing opioids, which led to the overdose deaths of two of his patients.


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20 thoughts on “‘Dr. Death’ accused of running pill mill that left 2 dead

  1. I am an intractable chronic pain patient who has lived with crippling pain for 35 years. I have taken opioids pain medicine for 35 years and never once overdosed or taken to the streets, I am not addicted. I am physically dependent but I am also dependent on BP meds and an antidepressant. This means I have to wean off the meds slowly. Addiction and dependence are related to different parts of the brain. It is the ignorance and hysteria toward opioids, brought on by a well heeled zealots and vested interests in banning opioids pain meds that caused a slaughter of intractable pain patients. Going through two forced tape rings devastated my health. I also lost friends who were pain patients to suicide after their meds were cut off because others abused opioids. Pain patients deserve just as much compassion and consideration as any other people. Opioids are not the demon drug that some want people to believe they are. Just as with alcohol, most people can take opioids without becoming addicted. Studies have shown the number of pain patients who become addicted is from 1 to 6 percent leaving 99 to 94 percent can safely use opioids without becoming addicted. Intractable pain patients have suffered for years as this anti-opioid hysteria raged. Don't bring more suffering onto innocent people . Do your due diligence and look at all sides. The hysteria you spread with half researched stories can harm and even kill. There has to be a way to help addicts and intractable pain patients. There is a lot of information out there about chronic pain patients. Please take the time to cover both sides of this very complicated issue.

  2. I’m a recovering alcoholic. My doc never prescribed anything other than an ER visit for detox to make sure I didn’t freaking die. ER did their thing with benzos, fluids, etc until I was clear of heart and seizure problems. What the heck is this guy’s excuse other than something nefarious? There’s a fly in the ointment…😒

  3. I was prescribed hydrocodone at 15. I went to the doctor for a legitimate issue and instead of identifying the root cause, she covered it up with pain meds. I was an addict by 18 & still struggling with it. I’ve met some extremely shady doctors.

  4. Im a ex addict of tramadol and i dont blame the doctor…you cant blame a doctor for my actions. I became a heroin addict because the doctor stopped my medication but the doctor is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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