Sarah Boone: ‘I didn’t mean to leave’ boyfriend in suitcase

Sarah Boone: ‘I didn’t mean to leave’ boyfriend in suitcase

“True Crime News” shares additional updates in the case of Sarah Boone, the woman whose boyfriend suffocated to death after she zipped him in a suitcase.


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21 thoughts on “Sarah Boone: ‘I didn’t mean to leave’ boyfriend in suitcase

  1. She doesn't sound that inebriated to me so using the drunk excuse doesn't fly for me. Tipsy, yea, but still in control. I've been shoit-drunk before, but could still tell what I was doing alone allowing a pleading person to suffocate & die.

  2. She coerced him into the suitcase (which was face up) and then when he tried to reach with his fingers for the zipper she beat at his hand with a baseball bat and when he pulled his hand back she zipped it the rest of the way and kicked him down the stairs where the suitcase landed face down. That’s how he got the cuts and bruises and the contusion on the back of his head. 🙁 She is one of those angry drunks and very dangerous.

  3. Sarah's attorney Dr Kevorkian is a complete clown and is as useless as Sarah herself. He is sooooooo useless that he actually put Sarah on the stand and she testified and now her testimony is being used against her in court during the trial 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    I'm not even an attorney and I know better than that !!

    Yeah Dr Kevorkian and Sarah are two peas in a pod and both are 🤡🤡 … I can't wait to see all the future blunders during the court case that these two are going to bring us 😂😂😂

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