This Week on True Crime News The Podcast: How Alex Murdaugh’s egregious financial crimes and the murder of his wife and son revealed a dark family history of dishonesty and corruption.
Valerie Bauerlein joins host Ana Garcia.
Check out Valerie’s book “The Devil at His Elbow: Alex Murdaugh and the Fall of a Southern Dynasty” here:
Ana Garcia
Valerie Bauerlein
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Justin Bamberg is part of the bigger show…the entire ac state is in a cover up…adk why the murdaughs openly got away w this for generations…it wasn't a secret to anyone in law including the sc supremes…bar…solicitors…governow….and even fed judge hoffman who saw the frauds for himself w Buster murdaugh playing the system to avoid i.prisonment in hoffmans court…all the human trafficking and so forth all ignored…ac is watching a true show and u have not learned the truth bc the system has put on a show and bamgerg…a lawyer legislators is one of the stars of the show.
This book is EXCELLENT! She’s a wonderful writer and she dives deep into the history of this family and the area of Hampton and surrounding areas. I couldn’t put it down.
His motive was obvious! Smoke and mirrors – Eliminating Paul – eliminated the court hearing on Thursday – eliminated Alex having to produce financials. Eliminating Maggie = all real estate and equity would pass down to Alex himself, right? and he prevented Maggie from ever filing for divorce which would further expose his financial issues and crimes. In addition, he would reap the benefits of all the sympathy from everyone. Maggie and Paul were detrimental to HIS plans
Buster Murdaugh or any of the Murdochs have nothing to do with Stephen
Death !! This woman is such a scab typical Wanna be journalist?
This woman who was talking I guess the one who wrote the book she has no clue what she’s talking about. She thinks she does but really she don’t.
Wasn't Paul killed to avoid the boat trial and 10 million dollar settlement?
Handed so
Much money and privilege and they destroyed their own legacy
Most interesting analyse.
This was very insightful, thank you!
Is Val interviewing the interviewer? Haha
Great show.
Just ordered the book. So looking forward to reading Valerie’s book.
What about the phone data from Stephen Smith? I thought that we would learn about the prominent person who was in contact with him before the death and they keep it a secret.
This book was PHENOMENAL! Excellent and thorough read. Could not put the book down.
“When everything is handed to you and you’re never held accountable”
Nice analyst! Everybody Lies a Lawyer he needs to Lawyer. So i cant Judge any one only God knows who did it. Because a father is not to kill is son but to save is son and is wife. All this people are journalism they can say anything
What a looser …
And I am to believe Racism doesn’t exist or that Jesus is white with blonde hair and blue eyes

THESE PEOPLE WORSHIP ROBERT E LEE and dress like confederate soldiers
yeah I’ll pass on your “presence” 
Aber warum hat er seine Frau und den Sohn töten lassen?
Donald Trump Donald j Trump your next buddy
This author reporter was phenomenal. I'll be purchasing the new book soon…
Muck to muck in four generations. So true in this case.
Can you please do Crystal Rogers? I really enjoy your content!
I knew instantly what happened!!! Anyone with their brain in gear would know this instantly! It played out so obviously, who the heck wouldn't figure this out instantly? Who???
After the author describes the families spending habits and states there is missing money, why wouldn’t the interviewer inquire and ask questions about that specifically. Instead she follows up with information about motive. The podcaster misses so many opportunities in this interview to delve into subject points more deeply. Frustrating watch with a very compelling author.
Fantastic book. I couldn't put it down
Anna Garcia, are you a journalist or are you a book and merch pusher?
Some REAL journalists lose their lives in wars and epidemics areas to document TRUE facts and bring them to the readers.
Also, advertising departments used to be separate from newsrooms to provide some insulation between advertisers' interests and real news reporting. Now, it it THE ACTUAL BROADCASTER, including you, who peddles the merchandise.
And Valerie Bauerleine HERSELF said on another interview that "[her] publisher" asked her, "who will the reader be rooting for?" She realized that the reader would be rooting against Alex Murdaugh; and that anti-Murdaugh reader is for whom Valerie wrote her book.
I've watched all the documentaries on this. I've worked with a greedy lawyer whose now doing prison time for stealing from clients and other things. To hear that the grandfather was a thief doesn't surprise me. It's in the DNA to kill and steal and destroy
Valerie, regarding the murders of Maggie & Paul; was Eddie’s phone ever examined to see if he was near the murder scene at the time of the murders?
This provides me with the stark reminder that money is not the source of REAL power, prestige, honor,or reputation. It reminds me that TRUE Love is not expressed with houses, cars, jewelry,or clothes. It reinforces that the way things appear is not necessarily the way they are and that the source of all that is Good and True, Long lasting and valuable, lives deep within each individual. It is The Source of Love and Light and Power. It is God. Thank you for the reminder!
Great interview! i can't ait to read the book
stop with acorn ad
come on didn't come to hear about a book
An exceptional interview! Thank you for bringing it. !
Very good interview. I would like to read her book. This case is so fascinating but also so sad.
They are all going to give back what they stole from me and so are you and your family and y'all are going to be held accountable for being involved in the Freemason Illuminati Epstein Network
To the interviewer, sorry but you interrupted your guest too many times. It is disturbing. So sorry to tell you
That was fun. I’ve followed the case for a long time. Your book sounds fascinating…ordering it now. Thanks
It could be a delay because it's a cell phone that he used to call the police
Wonderful podcast !
If you want to know more about the dirty history of the Murdaugh, look for Kassidy O'connell about the Murdaugh Mafia : Rise and fall series .there's a lot of disturbing and horrible actions from the Murdaugh back from the 1940 and so on .Some story makes you sick and so angry about how everyone turn there heads from there crimes because there are the Murdaugh ?? Thanks I enjoyed this .
He murdered his wife & son for financial gain & to save face, his wife had begun to figure out their dire finances, they both mother & son were no doubt knowledgeable about Alex's deeds including the death of the housekeeper & his subsequent swindling of her sons as well as cheating a multitude of his clients, his son was repeatedly dragging the family name through the mud with his consistent law breaking behavior although being sheltered from & by law enforcement to include 2 teen deaths.
Sounds like Paul had cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure, due to his alcoholism
I am STILL obsessed
The family history explains so much, and I'm glad someone finally brought it to light. What an interesting interview. Parents can pass on a sense of responsibility along with the privilege, and their children can truly thrive. But there was clearly never a sense of responsibility, so this family train was on the wrong track from the beginning. Really an epic tragedy. Nobody won here.
The saying goes, “muck to muck in four generations.” The Murdaugh family epitomises this saying.