Alleged suitcase killer Sarah Boone claims self-defense

Alleged suitcase killer Sarah Boone claims self-defense

Sarah Boone is on her ninth attorney as she stands trial for the death of her boyfriend, Jorge Torres Jr. She now claims she killed him in self-defense.


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28 thoughts on “Alleged suitcase killer Sarah Boone claims self-defense

  1. Self-defense is legally defined as the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or members of the family from bodily harm from the attack of an aggressor, if the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger.

    The judge was 1000% correct in asking Sarah's defense attorney, "How is your purported defense applicable, LEGALLY?"

    It's not! They have no case. They're grasping at straws.

  2. She did that on purpose, she’s a murderer!! 1st she said that they were playing hide and seek and now she tries to change her story that it’s self defense just cause she knows that she will be charged with a murder crime..

  3. This case is crazy she plan and killed him there was no hidden seek. She probably conned him to get in the suitcase then filmed his death, who in the hell can watch a person die. She wasted the courts time long enough, this is First degree murder if I ever seen First degree murder. Put her away for life or seek the death penalty, this woman is really sick in the head. Guilty and welded the cell shut for life.

  4. No way this is self-defense. the immediate threat of harm that is needed, if there was any, was neutralized the moment he was locked inside the suitcase. the tone and what she said in the video don't suggest someone who was acting out of fear or distress. if she had that moment where she feared for her life, well that moment ended before she recorded taunting him.

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