Boss and employee’s love triangle turns deadly

Boss and employee’s love triangle turns deadly

Kandi Hall was in the midst of a career change when she started having an affair with her boss, Emmett Corrigan. Their illicit relationship resulted in fatal consequences.


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28 thoughts on “Boss and employee’s love triangle turns deadly

  1. Wgat gets me is she cheated, she lied to tge cols about cheating and she and her cheater husband got back together after her lover died trying to ddfend her. In tge meantime, he had a Gorgeous pregnant wife, and beautiful family at home. Now hes dead!
    Well his wife deserved better, and I am glad she finally got it!
    She asked herself why wasn't she enough. She was more than enough! He was the problem, not she don't have it anymore.

  2. If you are a guy , play attention! Any woman who tells you that's her good friend, best friend or just friends. And he's a guy , you better leave !! She slept with him already, will sleep with him or is sleeping with him . I learned unfortunately the hard and painful way. I will never be with a woman who has or wants a male friend. My ex would always say why can't she have friends, when has female friends. She wanted male friends and I always knew but didn't see in the moment. Be very careful!! These women are sneaky.

  3. What ever happened to a good old fashioned fist fight? But Ashlee I am glad she was able to move forward and get a much better person. She had a narccisist. I have been there. I am glad to see this new update that she found a good man. But Candy got off lucky. And yet she won. She most likely did not even care what happened. And she is free. Sad

  4. Emmett drop the ball His wife was way more attractive than the other woman Even his widow asked Why would you want to be with someone this twenty years older than you?……… I think the older woman was grooming him You hear about it all the time With older women and younger men It probably was a fantasy of his that turned out to cost him his life.🤦🏾‍♂️

  5. "He was a Laywer with his own lawfirm and we only dated 2 months but we both just knew its what we wanted" – "innocent" victim 🙄

    She was a victim, but she wasnt innocent. And he felt that – and being the evil POS that he was, he couldnt remain faithful to someone like that.

    We werent born yesterday – we know how this works. "Gold digger gets buried in the excavation of blood money"

  6. I grew up with Emmett in Boise and he was close to my younger brother growing up. He was a good man, and we were all shocked by this whole case!! Kandy and Rob are a piece of work, Emmett made poor choices, but this was sensless!! I was also at Emmett's funeral and it completely wrecked us!! 😭😱💔🥺 God bless Ashley and Emmett's family! RIP Emmett , I still think of you every time I pass by the Walgreens. 😰🙏 ❤😇

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