Woman known as ‘Scamanda’ gets caught in her lies

Woman known as ‘Scamanda’ gets caught in her lies

Amanda Riley, better known as “Scamanda,” bilked donors out of almost $250,000 by faking a terminal cancer diagnosis. Her lies would soon be exposed.


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38 thoughts on “Woman known as ‘Scamanda’ gets caught in her lies

  1. I was a 5 year old Wilms Tumor survivor! This kind of stuff sickens me! It's especially sickening that the fact that REAL cancer patients need this kind of money! It poses a risk of making people not believe the patients who really need it! Let's just hope this lady learns her lesson knowing there's a whole book and docuseries on her now.

  2. It is amazing that the religious zealots and followers believed the guff of this woman. She, in fact, was the clever one by proving the non-existence of a so believed great one. If there was an almighty, then that entity would have prevented this side show.

  3. Seems like a lot of work for not very much money…. You could have a legit job and make more in that many years. Must be an attention seeking thing 🤷‍♂️ makes absolutely zero sense. And how did she get Doctors to go along with it? Is this explained? I see all the pictures of her in the hospital.

  4. .. A.B.C. take a look at Crama Drama Community….
    Exploitation of Missing Children ….& Lawsuits between one another . "Good vs. Bad" PayPal pools galore.
    You have those 1st hand knowing "Victims parents" & those that "expose" them.
    THEY ALL work in CONjunction for the MONEY & it rolls in daily.
    Summet Wells
    Sebastian Rogers

  5. Oh my God I think Amanda Riley’s parents should sue Netflix big time for putting out that damn video of her

    Because now she’s gonna get more attention and people are actually going to see how she got away with it

    And to her that actually would make her famous for faking cancer because now she’s

    Getting more fans and more people and getting more attention than she actually did when she was faking cancer and racking in money

    Because now she’s probably gonna make like billions of dollars just from one stinking movie/documentary

    I can see like people like Anna Sorkin/ Delvey I can see that people would make a movie out of something like that

    Or the three women that were kidnapped by arrow Castro or gypsy Rose

    Those two I understand them most of why they would bring out a documentary

    Because one thing those people are dead Ariel Castro and DD Blanchard they’re both dead

    So they wouldn’t receive any money anyway so that I understand

    Because everyone who was watching the documentary on Gypsy Rose

    She gets paid not just the actors but she also gets a large paycheque so I can understand that

    Because gypsy is a victim the same as Amanda Berry and the other three ladies too

    Because when you’re a kidnapped victim you can tell in the movie it’s not about Ariel Castro or DD Blanchard

    You can tell the focus is not on them so it’s not like they’re getting the attention out of it

    Amanda Riley it is about her everything you will see or have seen is about her

    The main focus is on her so yeah even though she’s in jail she’s probably very very very proud that she fake cancer because now she’s got more attention from people

    Now she’s got an audience a whole world of audience stupid Netflix

    Like honestly that’s what I mean beef people that event these TV series and movie platforms

    Sometimes they get billions of dollars themselves

    And they honestly want more money they actually don’t care as long as they get money

    So they have more money they develop more money than they do

    Brains and kindness because if they had any brains and kindness about the people that have been a victim in this

    I can’t see any logical reason and understanding

    Why anyone I mean anyone would put this out there, Because it’s giving the person who has or had scammed these people

    And it’s actually giving them more attention so they’re actually getting more out of it than they did previous

    Because they always say know that when they say crime doesn’t pay

    Well in this case it certainly does and nobody that knows if somebody had done those horrible things

    They would never want that person to have that fame they would want that person to actually lose that attention

    This amanda person is probably laughing her head off right now because

    She knows if she never did anything like that they wouldn’t have made a movie about it

    So it actually paid off for her it actually gave her more privilege than consequences

    She only spent five years in jail and probably 30 or 40 years famous

    If that honestly makes sense to the average person then I don’t know what the heck doesn’t make sense to them,

  6. Hopefully, the second part tells about the doctors.
    Were they real or her friends? Hospital beds?
    If real, how would a Dr. not know. With cancer, one is forever taking tests. Strange.
    I'm really surprised that not one person questioned about her family not being around.
    My other opinion… throwing money at her feet really??? Church with bands. Sounds like that huge church that Justin Bieber used to go to. The one that was caught in lies.

  7. You know another scam? ABC TV. 20 minutes out of the hour in episode 1 is the story 40 minutes are commercials. Regarding the husband, did he ever take a lie detector test? Id demand it if he claims he had no idea of the scam.

  8. She deserves more than 5 years!! I actually went through terminal brain (glioblastoma)cancer as a single mom 2 years ago!!guess what you fkng scammer I did myself tired or not!! I had glioblastoma and it’s chronic and I still need scans every 4 months !! I survived it and i’m damn proud of it! Having a 2 year old at the time I went to treatment came home picked him from pre school and still managed to function. I hope they extend your sentence!!!!!! I’ve seen little kids not make even with treatment. HTF dare you scam these amazing ppl who just wanted nothing more but to help!!!! You’re a deplorable human being !

  9. Honestly, your scum of the plant to go this low shame on you. From someone who has had struggled with serious health conditions and real-life cancer scares. Because cancer runs strong in my family and multiple types. People have gotten it young. I do have to go have check-ins and have tests done. They aren't pleasant it's no joke. Seeing these videos of what she did, she needs a longer sentence.

  10. I had a friend that did this exact same thing for about 8+ years.She even feigned BLOOD cancer, like this Amanda girl did. I held benefits for her, my fam raised money for her for “traveling to Seattle with her kids” for experimental treatment. She’d shave her head, tape IV ports on her body and take pics for social media in medical facilities making it look and seem real! The sad thing is she had her family duped too! Her kids were sick with worry… her parents, siblings and her partner. What a sick situation!! When I saw this, trailer iwas almost Exactly the same scenario. I didn’t know that Munchausins (sp) manifests likes this!!! My kids and I sure felt duped after doing a 24 hour walk in her name, planning and carrying out all fundraising auctions and various benefits her friends and I did, then handing her all the money. I will be watching this show for sure. Wow!!

  11. Vile and disgusting. There are SO many people with cancer, REAL deathly cancers and many can't afford their bills having to choose between treatment or the mortgage or to feed their children. Even when they ask for financial help most get none. Then you have vermin like this. People being tricked by her pouring money into her bank account partly because she has "that look" perfect all American with kids so people feel sorry for. Sickening.

  12. sick when so many are out here are actually dealing with this who even alone need help, this is just so sad. charge her with theft by deception and go from there. hipaa if other tax payers are paying for this care then no one deserves any form of anonymity. a form of gov protection that allows for massive fraud no one should benefit she isnt the only one either many have done this under the guise of Hipaa while using tax payer money to fake a disease.

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