Robert Roberson, who has been on death row for over 20 years, was scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Thursday, Oct. 17. Then, at the eleventh hour, the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence issued a subpoena for him to testify, which saved his life.
Death row inmate gets temporarily saved 90 minutes before scheduled lethal injection

Why would a government kill a man for such lousy accusations!
I watched a trial where a man shot and killed two young women and got 7 years for that. I don’t understand how sentences are determined
This is INSANE!! My brother was facing murder charges and the judge found out he wasnt guilty and said "you are to release him TODAY" he was so upset that he was going to be charged for a murder and they had no evidence that showed he was even there when it happened. So WHY can't the judge do the same in this case????? I pray they let this poor man out, he has suffered enough, not only has he been in prison but he lost his daughter and wasnt even able to grieve her death before they placed him in handcuffs.
I just dont understand if he has so many people backing him, what more do you need to let this man go???
Seriously? There goes more tax payer $$ keeping this guilty puke alive!
I wonder what the difference between him and Marcellus Williams was?
I’m so fucking sick of this racist as country.
This is the reason people dont want to even report anything to police cause they don't trust them . Police automatically look at you and if they cant find noone they charge you even if you didnt do it.
This man̈ is innocent!! Ive said that since day 1. Someone with money and reputation didnt want exposed by their own mistakes..God has this innocent man under his wings ..
He looks like Elon Musk in twenty years
Yes! Yes! Yes!


Shocked but I knew it wouldn’t have been Abbit that would stopped it.
Just wondering, why did they wait so long to call it off? Why 90 minutes beforehand? He was probably terrified for that entire day. Hell even the lead detective was calling for it to be called off due to junk science and having medical experts say she in fact died of pneumonia, not shaken baby syndrome.
Or is that how it works? They have a hearing before the death penalty is carried out? I don't have the death penalty in my country but have been watching what was happening here after reading about the case. Could it not have been called off sooner? Just seems pretty cruel to have him wait until an hour and a half before he was set to be put to death (as in having him sit and wait so close to sentencing taking place).
This case is disturbing!! One can't watch this and not get utterly angry as hell!!! It's

So Marcellus Williams gets executed even though he was INNOCENT?! What the fuck
They pick and choose who to let go. Marcelles never got the chance
It’s good that all these people have supported this man and saved him from the Death Penalty 90 minutes before his Death and I Support All Innocence and Nobody Should Be Put To Death If They Are Innocent…But I Have One Very Very Serious Question About This Why Was This Caucasian Man’s Life Saved If He Was Innocent And Not All The Other Innocent Peoples Life’s On Death Row Like Marcellus Williams who was Wrongfully Executed In His Home State wasn’t his case similar to this man’s with the Evidence and Many Others who are on Death Row and Have Been Executed and Convicted Wrongfully????
God's hand
He has true evil in his eyes.
He’s white… I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve an investigation, I’m saying it probably would have been a different outcome if he wasn’t…
I lost my father today die 58 year old,i am the son 24 year old i go today they say he die in morning they couldn't save him i blame myself i wish i was there to save him,i loved him very much,he died in October yesterday i am very sad i talk to him this Monday in night he was feeling good he die in morning i wish i could have say to him how much i love him i am angry with God for taking him from me i am very sad
Sad To Say but a Black man would have been executed in spite of his /her innocence
“The exposure of truth sometimes results in tragedy…However! No matter how tragic the truth may be, it would be an even greater tragedy…to avert one’s eyes from it."-Miles Edgeworth
The Government Does Not Protect Life… AT ANY POINT