Charlamagne Finally Realizes Men Have Been Raised on Rape Culture – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


45 thoughts on “Charlamagne Finally Realizes Men Have Been Raised on Rape Culture”
  1. I'm glad he's opening the conversation and being humble about it. It would be even more morally honest, as he puts it, to admit that men who acted and talked that way knew it was wrong because it was funny to them. They laughed about humiliating and taking advantage of another person because they got off on it on some level. And, they made a choice. Other cultural options and examples were given at the same time as rape culture, like showing respect and love. But sometimes people make an immoral choice that doesn't agree with their soul because they think it wins them points in a certain crowd. Choose your crowd wisely.

  2. Rape is caused not by cultural factors, but by the conscience decision of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime. The definition of "Rape culture" actually makes it harder to combat sexual violence.

  3. So, while we are being "honest," by this definition, every culture is rape culture. The truth is we objectify each other all over the world, acting on that without consent using your strengths is rape. And if you do not want to be a victim of it, you are most safe in Western Culture. In many parts of the world, it is so common and accepted that it is not even counted.

  4. In 2001, Charlamagne was arrested for sexual conduct with a minor in the second degree in South Carolina and pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor, for which he received three years' probation.[42] A woman, who was 15 at the time, later claimed that he raped her in the incident.[42][43]

    In 2015, Charlemagne claimed having added Cantharidin (also known as Spanish fly) to the drink of a woman, and then having sex with her while she was "drunk as shit" and "wasn't coherent", with her having no memory of the incident the next morning according to him.[42][44]

    He has also confessed to rape of his (then future) wife, saying that “Me and my wife hung out one Saturday night and she got sloppy drunk and passed out in my momma’s house and I got that pussy. She was fucking me back and all that but she was really drunk. I asked her yesterday, ‘Yo, did I rape you the first time we ever had sex?’ And she goes, ‘I mean in hindsight, yeah…’”

  5. Ctg it's times like these where u really make me wanna watch y'all more. Times like these are the reasons I watch dotd all the time.

  6. Personal accountability and morals do not go with social justice. Social justice groups and divides, nothing to do with personal accountability.

  7. Charlamagne the SJW Democratic puppet.
    Social justice is bullshit and you are a hypocrite if you buy into that shit.

  8. someone finally thinking.
    A too say it's a culture is confessional not descriptive of society because I know a hundred guys who are dignified and wouldn't do such.
    You are a bad person simple, stop generalizing

  9. Thank u for being brave… I needed closure as I was a victim falling to guys who treated girls like this. And hearing a guy confess it's wrong guys are raised upon rape culture brought me some closure. Thank u for speaking up

  10. I wonder if he raped/sexually assaulted women, and if so, how many times? Was he brought to the light and get punished for it?

  11. Wedding Crashers movie= rape culture
    Rap videos= rape culture
    The Breakfast Club= RAPE CULTURE (really because of Charlemagne)

  12. You can’t complain about men objectifying women when women seek out jobs as strippers, hoes etc and brag about it on social media

  13. I think women are living in a culture of overexposing and over sexualizing thier apperance. And we are all suppose to thats fine. Then tell men not to think sex. Come on lets get woke on that one!

  14. THIS FUCKIN IDIOT..That's like saying We are all drunk addicts cause we grew up in the 80's; the Drug Era; but we are not! Dont no made up "culture" if you a rapist you, own it!!! It was your choice, like the junkie with the needle, IT WAS YOUR CHOICE

  15. Disrespecting women don't always end up in violence against women. But all violence against women start with disrespecting women.

  16. Your stuck on the word rape and eat up the term, forgetting that the addition of the word culture changes the definition.

  17. A culture- the arts, social customs of a nation or society.

    This implies that we teach our children it is a customary to rape, that American men are brung up thinking rape is fine. As an American, I know that rape culture is not arching, rape isn’t rape culture. We all hate and are against someone being raped, especially America who punishes rape close to the crime of fucking murder. Your comments are proof of us hating rape. Don’t disrespect me by saying that in America I was raised in the support or in the mind state that rape is tolerable or that america likes rape. We don’t. And rape is not American culture you fucking evil pricks. Who ever made this term is disgusting and evil.

  18. CTG is a fucking simp. Why don't you talk about most of the guys who mistreat women are from single mom households. But we can't have that convo. This is virtue signal bs and CTG contributes to the destruction of the black community.

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