White House Press Secretary Thinks NFL Players Should Protest Police Instead Of The Flag – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


32 thoughts on “White House Press Secretary Thinks NFL Players Should Protest Police Instead Of The Flag”
  1. She is correct. People need to protest police brutality, by changing laws, holding police officers accountable and lobbying, not kneeling during a game.

  2. NO lets take her advise. Let's protest police academy graduation ceremonies, let's protest them in the street, at the store and especially while your in court facing charges. Everyone while you are in these places or if you happen upon them (and while you're at your next football game)… TAKE A KNEE!!!!

    When dumb people occupy the White House and our minds on a daily basis.

  3. crystal clear. thank you again. repetition is the highest form of learning. we can't passively allow the narrative to be changed. the kneeling is to bring attention to American injustice. our country constitutes our freedom and privilege; the rights reserved to every American. this promise is not being upheld when it comes to the crimes against black people, majority males, at the hands of some police officers and the Justice system does not hold the offenders accountable. it must change; less killings, more justice. if anyone says it has to do with anything else, they need to pause and listen again to the reason Colin Kaepernick said he was kneeling. taking a knee on the football field is to point out a player has been hurt. taking a knee on the football sideline during the national anthem is to point out an American has been hurt on American soil by those sworn to protect and serve; an irony that almost induces lunacy. ~ don't let it explode your mind, let it expand it. #LoveGarcetta ~

  4. Charlemagne, you have to agree that it could have been done better. This is very confusing to non-black people. Kaepernick needs to speak out and explain what's really going on.

  5. LOOK! Sarah Huckabee is a fool taking the spotlight making up LIES making herself look stupid like Sean Spicer did!!! IF I was an NFL player or athlete I would be kneeling with "A RUSSIAN FLAG" and TRUMP'S face on it! How the HELL he going to condemn them protesting when he been caught in bed with Russia! He denied the FBI info. on Russia He want to talk about being UNPATROTIC??? HE is a traitor to this Country!!! Will some athlete PLEASE get a Russian flag and kneel with it and Trumps name on it! That should Shut him the HELL UP!!!

  6. she knows. they know. everybody knows.  and yall know they are changing the subject and being allowed to non stop.  the same way they do when they murder in the street.

  7. "Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place."


  8. As I said, I don't approve of protests because they don't get the results but let's be clear that this is about the BS that the criminal justice system allows. A damn white man just molested a kid and got f**** probation (maybe a tiny bit of jail time) while a black man gets crazy amounts of time for nothing (weed smoking, obstruction/resisting when its not even clear if those charges are accurate, etc.). I'm not saying this to say white people are bad or something, I'm pointing out bias based on wealth and social status when neither should play a role in justice. If justice is blind then she/he bases judgments off of feeling the weight increase in her coin purse/wallet. The only reason I don't protest though is because I'm working on something better and I don't believe in broadcasting specifics. Moving in silence to get stuff done works every time in my experience.

  9. How not protest the flag and the system when the police dept is directly controlled by the United States government smh…the lights on the top of cop cars aren't red, white, and blue for no damn reason…stupid lady…

  10. Willfully ignorant that's the perfect way to put it smh they really don't want to deal with the truth so they just say that about the flag in the military SMH

  11. phishinfool
    All these athletes are a disgrace to America !America made these people who they are .For them to disrespect the national anthem shows that they don't really care about our values or our country .Keep in mind this is the country that made them who they are! Also some of these players are not even from America I say make America great again once we lose our values they will be gone forever!

  12. I watched the press conference she looked like Trump made her say that shit she was talking in generalities and in circles…she couldn't even look up for most of it

  13. To quote Dough boy would be precisely accurate. At what point did Police Brutality, Inequality and Systematic Racism get lost in translation? I'll tell you how, D Trump is trying to distract from what he is really doing. There is much more going on behind the scenes that he doesn't want us to know, and when you are trying to be sneaky and hide something what do you do? You create a distraction so that you can do other sinister actions. This man calls himself a businessman and I guarantee, he is making shady business deals and questionable calls while the entire world is distracted by this bullshit. He know why Kaepernick took a knee, but he doesn't care, if he can get the free world to not pay attention to what he's really up to for just a moment he can really reek havoc. This Press secretary is just playing her part as well in keeping people distracted.

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