ESPN Issues Statement After Jemele Hill Calls Trump A ‘White Supremacist’ On Twitter – Everything Law and Order Blog

ESPN Issues Statement After Jemele Hill Calls Trump A ‘White Supremacist’ On Twitter

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By phillyfinest369


47 thoughts on “ESPN Issues Statement After Jemele Hill Calls Trump A ‘White Supremacist’ On Twitter”
  1. It doesn't matter what side espn is on dumbass. Its a sports channel and jemel hills dumbass tweeted out political crap. Trump isn't any of what y'all say he is.

  2. the funny part is that when black men where compared to white supremacist men ESPN did not have a problem with that word then. So the common narrative as long as you talk shit about black men it is okay. ESPN and Donald Trump read the same racist narrative. He called the NFL player which are majority black men SOB's. I wonder why Jemele said he is a white supremacist (sarcasm).

  3. You, & Jemele only care about skin color… you only care about race… so who's the racist?? What do the audio clips, you played, have to do with race? You & Jemele are the decisive racists!!

  4. Whew trolls love to trolls! I'm really disturbed how white supremacy is considered a political view. Believing that one race of group of ppl is inherently better than another one is NOT a political view. It's bigotry and evil. Stop it!

  5. The destructive matriarchy rules supreme among black American males… That's why you suck ON AVERAGE… being an outsider looking in.

  6. Stopped watching ESPN when they canned Hank Williams for the same thing. Typical Libtard double standard.

  7. Glad I watched This Video to see how Arrogant and Ignorant SOME in the Black Community can Be…..President Trump is Doing more for America in 8 Months than Obama did in 8 Years. Obama Doubled the National Debt from 10 Trillion to 20 Trillion and While He is a Decent Talker….The Poor are Still Poor…At Least President Trump is Working Hard for All Americans….Racists?…Please

  8. I hate trump but ion agree with the whole "only white people voted for him" BS argument. Obama won because of black people, from the ghetto to the richest neighborhoods of america. They didn't care what he had to say or what he wanted to do, they just wanted to have a black president….

  9. one word. . Mr Ben Carson… who Trump wanted him to be part of his cabinet but he politely declined…FYI…. is a highly respected Godly smart black man

  10. ESPN clearly stated in the first paragraph of their public letter regarding the situation is, in part, "Jemele's comments about the president do NOT REFLECT THE opinions of ESPN". Didn't Ms. Hill know that ESPN is conservative and probably supportive of the current administration? If she didn't, I'd be proactive as they debate firing me…cause you know it's coming. Or, you should have done your homework because all popular entities are not necessarily good for us, irrespective of the coins.

  11. How is Hill racist for calling someone else racist? That's the wrong definition, and you have to be ignorant or dumb to actually believe it.

  12. My ancestors died from the north to free you ungrateful fucks who sit on your ass typing YouTube comments and telling people your suppressed wahhhjj wahhhhhh. Every other race is advancing better keep up black lives matter fools. All of you racist blacks need to leave the country we don't need you.

  13. She needs to be fired for what she said! ESPN should not be involved with politics! They need to stick to sports!! I disagree with the breakfast club getting into the mix defending her because all they're brewing for their listeners is more hate towards the President.

  14. How can you call trump a celebrity, if you don't call Obama that. He would go on ESPN, voice opinions on things that had nothing to do with the white house, and would joke and be unprofessional consistently. Just don't be hypocritical

  15. ESPN is a business man is the corporation man come on you have a business to run this bottom line just stockholder shareholders they don't want to be tied up in that b***** some s*** you just can't say out loud but she did I got to give it to her for speaking her mind and standing up to be a strong black woman do irie with everything she say no but I'm principal and how she acted as the black woman I do agree with that force your opinion freedom of speech that's what America is all about

  16. Come on man he wasn't president I'm quite sure it's plenty things you said about a lot of people being on the ear but that don't make you a black bigot or racist or do it send America so easy to say something bad about somebody else versus good nobody has nothing good basically the say about somebody I don't judge anyone or do I want to be judge being black I can speak for myself I don't need nobody to speak for me immediately celebrities cause they have a platform think they know what the black community want and what they want to say but it's farther from the truth and that they're going to the black community you're find out for themselves Starpower don't mean s*** in the black community to the kids made your football player basketball players most of them just trying to make a daily wage feed a family keep a home and raise a kid and hope that the kids don't get shot on the way to the store or coming home from school that s*** more important than this s*** you be talking about talk about something real Trump and Obama the more important things in the world even though there was a leaders

  17. Lets be honest…the biggest threat facing a young black man or women is not a white police officer. The biggest threat is violence from another fellow black man or women. You are probably 10,000 times more likely to get shot by a black man than a white cop regardless of who you are. And while 1 murder is too many….its not some overwhelming problem. Also..calling people racist you don't know shows poor character.

  18. Jemele Hill’s Net Worth As of 2017: $4 million. I just wonder just how much of the 4 million is she giving to say the help the black youth in say Chicago, Detroit and Newark and other cities ruled by Democrat mayors? She is all talk and nothing but a "black racist" used by the Democrtes for further their agenda to keep teh blacks inteh new plantation, teh "ghetto".

  19. Fucking hypocrisy, curt schilling said something in tweeter that the sjw's dint like and get fire. So tell me why she dint get fire?

  20. Maybe Trump isnt a white supremacist, i dont know. He did denounce it but lets say he isn't but he is surrounded by white supremacist

  21. I'll stand up & slow clap everything Jemele said. No, she's not wrong, but ESPN didn't deserve this Donkey of the Day. The same way Michael Jordan was famously credited with saying "Republicans buy sneakers too" ESPN is running a business. It's 2017, we've all long since known that you can't spout hot political opinions, right or wrong, and not deal with some sort of consequences from your employer. That's just the way it is now.

  22. Trump represente America on many sides on many sides: racist ,sexual predator, incest, no respect for human being, lies on everything and so many more

  23. Let's not forget ESPN removed asian announcer Robert Lee from covering a college football game because his name was too controversial. Now we have to deal with this Jemele issue. Come on ESPN. How about getting back to basics? Sports highlights and who we should start in fantasy football.

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