Dealing with the Evil of the Las Vegas Shooting

Dealing with the Evil of the Las Vegas Shooting

Dealing with the evil of the Las Vegas mass shooting is not something that will be easy or fast. What often takes first responders years to accumulate in terms of what they’ve seen or experienced in tragedy, happened in just one incident on 10-1-17.

While I don’t pretend in any way to be an expert on stress or dealing with it in the law enforcement community or in any career, I do know what has been helpful to me and perhaps you’ll find it helpful or encouraging as well.

If you’re a first responder that would like to reach out from Vegas or anywhere, Humanizing the Badge offers free, confidential help online via their facebook page:

Officer Daniels and I will be traveling to Vegas next week to offer some thanks and encouragement in person to LVMPD.
SNAP: mike_thecop1
INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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33 thoughts on “Dealing with the Evil of the Las Vegas Shooting

  1. Thanks for all the comments guys. I’ll be fairly busy over the next few days so won’t be engaging in many more comments for a while. More to come soon on gun control and conspiracy theories.

  2. Hold your ground! Hold your ground!

    Sons of america, of freedom, my brothers,

    I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

    A day may come when the courage of men fails,

    when we forsake our friends

    and break all bonds of fellowship,

    but it is not this day.

    An hour of wolves and shattered shields,

    when the age of men comes crashing down,

    but it is not this day!

    This day we fight!!

    By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,

    I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!

  3. just saying i can't remember where i was at all from this shooting. Couldn't have even told you the month, possibly would have even gotten the year wrong. Not saying this for any particular reason, just thought it anecdotally noteworthy (especially regarding the intro).

  4. Man my friends step mom was shot, damn near bled out but some 20 year old kid, in the chaos of bullets firing saw her on the ground and saved her life. true hero

  5. A little late to this one, but its an important video. Certainly a situation where all the good police finally get some respect. Too bad this is what it takes sometimes.

    I disagree with the notion of not politicizing a situation. When people say "politicize" they mean think about the situation and figure out a solution to future issues.

    My issue is with bump stocks. Automatic fire is illegal on civilian weapons for a reason. The fewer rounds a civilian suspect can fire prior to being apprehended, whether by a concealed carry citizen or law enforcement, the fewer people that can be killed.

    This is also why I would like a ban on magazines over 12 rounds as the more reloads a civilian would have to accomplish would reduce the amount of casualties as well as force the assailant to carry more magazines which get heavy and you run out of places to put them.

    When I go shooting at the range, I like to conserve ammo anyway, so my fun doesnt run out in 5 mins lol.

    Universal Background checks, Psychological testing, and a safety with self-defense course taught with taxpayer money by a local Sheriff's Office with the weapon you intend to purchase isn't too bad I dont think. These are common sense gun reforms that wont solve everything, but will certainly help.

    If you have to take a test to drive a car, why not to shoot a gun?

  6. Mike, I like your channel and I find much what you do spot-on. I am surprised to learn that you believe in magical beings, you seem brighter than that. There are some great videos on YouTube, perhaps you've heard of it, that explain how religious myths got started and how their harmful to society as a whole. There are lots of reasons to help people out without thinking you're going to a magical theme park when you die.

  7. The bigger issue is that we will never know what really happened. We know what the media wants us to know. There are still way too many questions that have never been answered due to keeping everything under wraps. Tragic situation narrated by the Feds and media, ignoring so many other things.

  8. You seem to have a great heart Mike, I wish you all the best and hope that, even if (as a job hazard, so to speak) you are often facing the worst of humanity, you can keep your faith in people and won't let it change you towards the negative.
    I have seen many of your videos in the last few days, and I like your down-to-earth common sense approach of things. By speaking about your police officer experience as a "normal guy", maybe you can help deescalate the "tax payers vs. cops" trend that some yt videos seem to promote.

  9. I remember Viet Nam and how soldiers came home. Back then the closed mouth don't tell anyone was the way they and I'm sure law enforcement, medical people etc. were taught to not burden their family or anyone with their troubles. My son went to Iraq and I told him this one truth, he will go through this and hopefully survive and if he can i can, if he's uncomfortable telling me choose a family member or friend to have as a sounding board, I didn't want his pstd enhanced by silence and I knew the way to lessen it was by talk. He came home and shared with several male family members and not one of them were burdened, every one of them were more than happy to help and my son is amazing. I'm a nurse and same thing I see things people shouldn't have to but, I have it fist hand and the person I unload on is more than willing and oh so helpful. Cops I think are the most reluctant to go to friends to be their sounding board. Other cops are as close as you guys get. But like me in nursing, my son in war, we need to tell a normie and have THEM say its ok, I still love you. And they do and they are flattered and take their role seriously and I think its just so key to decrease the damage seeing horrors can do.

  10. Nope, I already forgot what I was doing during the LA shooting, Sucks that it happened, I wish we could prevent it from happening again, But I'm not going to revolve my life around it, I'm not going to go on a rant and fight for rights to be taken away from law abiding citizens because 50 people out of millions died. I know people are going to hate me for that and disagree but that's how it is.

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