David Simon Uses N Word In Tweet – Donkey of the Day (9-21-16) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Charlamagne Tha God awards writer/ producer David Simon Donkey of the Day because he used the N word in a tweet about “Black issues” town hall on Fox News featuring Donald Trump. #BreakfastClub

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


40 thoughts on “David Simon Uses N Word In Tweet – Donkey of the Day (9-21-16)”
  1. When charla said we in the height of the blm movement I had to check the date again lol my ass here in 2020 and we still climbin

  2. He was just wrong…I loved the wire but white people using that word is disrespectful…white can not define that for us…he should have his wig split for that in order to learn respect…period

  3. David Simon made the greatest show on TV, hands down. The garbage that exist on TV today couldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

  4. I haven't seen the wire, but I'm assuming this guy writes it. Wit that being said:

    Umm C, you can't praise a show written by a white man – that I'm assuming USES the "N" word multiple times.


    Then when he uses it Once in a tweet, he gets donkey lol

  5. Its funny how black people from today get mad about shit they never witnessed as if it were his auntie that was a slave. If somebody says "Nigga/er" in a non racially degrading context, then yall dont have any reason to get mad about it. Fucking cry babies.

  6. This whole thing reminds me of that in his own produced Treme, DJ Davis got hit in the face for saying the n word.

  7. I get Charlemagne's point but honestly we have more pressing issues to wry about than white ppl saying nigga. I don't really have a problem with anyone saying it.. i went to a bar mitzvah and remember hearing a Jewish guy saying it to another Jewish guy. I hope that ppl are smart enough to know when it's coming from a place of hate. we want equality, but it's a two way street.

  8. If you're gonna jump down a white guy's throat for saying "nigga" the last white person it should be is David Simon.

    This dude has done a lot to educate and shine a light on the injustices that plague the inner city and all the corrupt organizations involved therein. His focus in a lot of his work was always with underprivileged or marginalized black folk, I think it's fair to say David Simon has some idea of the environment and political climate he's in. This donkey-call was fucking weak. Anybody getting hung up on that single use of that word is missing the forest for the trees.

  9. I really don't understand how black people preach about this but use the word themselves how is that even possible just because they are black? if it's a racist word and racist why not preach to stop using the word including black people MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. You can't preach to try kill racism but use the word yourself even if it's not intended in a racist way

  10. Ahh the hypocrisy of the African American race. How can you hate one human for just saying the word nigga, but then when your favorite rapper says it it's all okay? I don't understand this hipocrisy and never will.

  11. African Americans live in the most inhospitable cities (S.E D.C, Chicago, Brooklyn, Compton, Baltimore etc) and accumulated the least wealth among most ethnic groups in the country (despite contributing tremendously to American pop culture)….but please, let's focus on what's more important; let's never allow a white use nigga/er, because that's what truly hurts your people. and please refrain from calling me racist, as I am black (African)

  12. So fucking lazy, 'white man uses n word, gets DOTD' no context whatsoever. He created The Wire ffs, he obviously gets a pass

  13. him, Eminem and maybe Justin (Timberlake) all get the pass. the wire is the truest thing on TV to date. it covers all aspects of capitalistic America from every necessary angle. even Chris partlow would give this dude the pass

  14. I think in this day & age everyone says nigga. But those who think its cool & okay to say that anytime of the day with flying colors, I "dare you" to go to a hood and say nigga to a stone cold individual and see if it's okay & see how long you'd last before a black person or those who live around that hood environment call your bluff and, decided to pop you in dead in your mouth & have you going to the emergency hospital so you can get your mouth piece, wired up shut & put in place…The only white people that should be saying it, are the ones born in the hood because they are adapted in that environment and most likely are able to back their shit up if a person outside of their race was to confront them for saying nigga, Including every other race. If its not in your blood or lifestyle to say nigga then just don't say it at all. Just a friendly reminder. Things can get ugly foreal, especially if you're not build for it which we know 50% of people aren't about that life.

  15. On another note, please give Don "I take advantage of and steal from black fighters" King, Donkey of the Day tomorrow.

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