LAPD leave YOU & YOUR STUFF IN THE STREET – Everything Law and Order Blog

So the kid just got his car out of impound- and I know they would not have let him get it, without proof of license and/or insurance/registration….but they impounded again because he didn’t have proof of insurance??? wtf? So they had him pull out what he wanted, and literally left them in the street with his belongings having to shove it all in a bag, then skateboard into the sunset~
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


24 thoughts on “LAPD leave YOU & YOUR STUFF IN THE STREET”
  1. Why would they respect other people's stuff when they can't even respect the use of the vehicle that the taxpayers paid for ?….Watch how he uses his foot to push the door in the opposite direction to get it to bounce back to him instead of reaching with his hand like a normal person would, stressing the hinges much there officer ?

  2. at 3:00 pushing the car dor with foot so it bounce back, so he can reach handlebar and close the door. 1st ever seen this, why are so disrespectfull to the property or is this normal thing in US?

  3. Laura, why do you sign those tickets did you know that when you sign them you are making a contract with the devil… If they force you to sign one write on the ticket NOT A CONTRACT then sign it it will help cover your butt in court. I sub'ed and started watching your vid;s from the start Keep up the good work….

  4. Watching a video like this is such a powerful advertisement against becoming a cop. Even if everything that they did was legally justified, what kind of person could sleep at night knowing that you traumatized someone like that? Even if any given officer only did something like this a few times a month, that is far too much.

  5. Disgraceful! These animals shame their parents, the uniform, and themselves. The day is approaching where THEY will be stalked and hunted by those they preyed upon. Their names, addresses, and phone #s will be published along with video of their violations. There will be no place for them to hide.

  6. You have a right to travel freely, no need for license unless you are running a business. Start to even the odds, arm yourselves before the pigs take your 2nd amendment too.

  7. Laura please next time at the end of the video give a summary? Hard to understand there answers because of accent, not talking to you directly, the traffic noise and only having access to your channel via cellphone etc. IMHO you prevented a kidnapping, caging and possibly a murder. I hope the actors are aware of this.

    Did you get business cards yet? There are good deals like 1,000 for five bucks. You can pass them out to actors. Provide a short statement of I'm LauraSharkCW I record the police to hold them accountable. I do so to protect you and your rights! You will find the video of this incident at
    (Your channel link)

    I'm sure there are subs who can word the card better than I.

  8. good morning laura.
    and yes, they have no respect for anyone or anything. fuckhead bitches.
    good video showing us the huge amount of disrespect they dish out on a daily basis.

  9. To protect and serve………. whoever still likes the police is either rich or just uninformed and scared. Fucking sucks ass we have to pay them to in turn take our money and property by force. Fucking traitors to the America people!

  10. Can you name those cops? I'm going to start a wall of shame webpage linking videos where cops do horrible shit in the name of the Law to their department and their names.

  11. I thought the police job
    was to protect people

    looks like the police stole there car
    and left them on the streets in danger of getting hurt.
    another failed attempt of the police

  12. They will leave you,n,your spouse,& kids in the dessert,n-just left–without carring-what ill fate-might come at you at 12am–hahahaha

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