Dear Cops – Never Let ‘Em See You Sweat – Everything Law and Order Blog

#cops #police #tiktok


** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Dear Cops – Never Let ‘Em See You Sweat”
  1. Again, I totally get that this lady is annoying and was filming to TRY and goat him into a reaction, but he gave it to her and that's where the issue is. Can't let 'em see ya sweat. Take action or move on.

  2. I think he was just trying to get her out of the intersection because clearly she was stopped in the middle and I can tell that she's a karen so I can't blame him for getting mad but I would like more context

  3. I don’t know the whole story but there is NOTHING more frustrating than directing traffic, especially at a detour. DFQ’s abound.

  4. Threatening her with non lethal but injures bodily harm (pepper spray) is far from proper conduct. She posed no physical threat, from what we saw in the video. She was being a pain in the butt maybe however I find nothing funny about this mans behavior. You shouldnt either

  5. Can they get her for using a cell phone while driving? That would be a hilarious twist ending – her trying to force them to give her viral content; Them giving her a ticket.

  6. "He wants to pepper spray my face "
    Lady, we all want to pepper spray your face.
    Yes, he could have handled it better.

  7. Just another annoying Karen. Everything in the name of tiktok. Doesn't need pepper spray to the face, but a good ol' back hand to it.

  8. I think I would have just pepper sprayed because she seemed to need it. But, that's why I'm not in law enforcement

  9. Mike the cop, I only know you from watching your show but I couldn't imagine you ever acting like this even with the goading which I sure occured. This guy comes off looking really bad.

  10. I don't understand why we as cops, get so upset when someone ask for our names or badge number. I just give it to them. They usually shut up and move on after that.

  11. Yeah, we're missing a lot of context here. However, if he was working an off-duty gig, he should not be wearing attire doning police logos.

  12. I've been to that point but had to let it go. Can't take it personally. They pay us to have self control and restraint, even with annoying people

  13. I have an exploder interceptor, doesn't hold a candle to the vic….that shit is sooooo gutless. I don't understand how you pursue in that thing 😵😵😵.
    And is it still an interceptor if you de badge it?
    Asking for a friend 😏

  14. The Crown Victoria is one of the best cars OF ALL TIME. I've had like 4 dozen cars from cheap to expensive and the P71 is hands down one of the best cars ever.

  15. How exactly was she goading him? If she asked him for direction doesn't that mean she wasn't approaching him with any negativity in mind before he started acting like an idiot?

  16. Not to say that you don't hold yourself accountable or the cops in the videos that you've you however I bet that your channel would grow exponentially if you were to scrutinize some accountability for the cops interview and if you use your perspective as well as you already do

  17. sorry man…the 1982 Plymouth Caravelle was the was small and built like a russian tank, because the pieces that fell off, well, you obviously didnt need them anyway.

  18. Austin Texas Texas State I love but Austin Texas is a eyesore it is a s*** hole run by a bunch of leftist lunatic Democrats you don't believe me just look at all the canvas housing between the interstate

  19. He is POC tho, so isn’t that an immediate pass? Can’t discriminate, maybe he just had an itch on the back of the 9; I’d use that as my reasoning.

  20. This is why I say bring back public flogging. We have too many "adults" pulling childish antics and still expect to be treated like an adult. I just saw two kids arguing over nothing.

  21. Cops must give "commands", (NOT in the true sense of of the word). But, polite directions, could be pull over I'll tell you the directions, you're holding up cars behind you, yata, yata. Give them directions, have a nice day, see ya'. The camera? There must be a whole lot more to this than this snipit?
    Best to ya',,,,!

  22. these comments are so funny. If the lady wasnt giving her name to the officer the comments would be screaming "Lol stop being an asshole and just give your name". But a cop doesnt give his name and the comments are calling her a karen. Love the consistency here :^)

  23. As a retired Police Officer, I hate to say this, but he needs to either be fired or severely punished with a face to face apology. Imagine what else he does when there's no camera around. And we wonder why Law Enforcement doesn't get the support we deserve. Especially, if this was a black girl.

  24. He needs to trade in that truck for a bike lol. Bikes help relieve stress because he seem to have an attitude. Anyway YES Crown Vicks were the best police car of all times.

  25. If we stop giving these Karren’s attention, they’ll stop harassing public servants.

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