Arizona SWAT officer arrested for DUI on his way home from DUI training – Everything Law and Order Blog

CHANDLER, ARIZONA.— On April 14, 2020, the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board voted to revoke the certification of now-former Officer Jonathan Schueller, after Schueller was arrested for DUI drugs and then arrested once again for DUI drugs while administratively assigned to his home pending the outcome of the first arrest.

Jonathan Schueller’s first day as a police officer with the Maricopa Police Department was May 16, 2016. On September 7, 2018, at about 2339 hours, Officer Schueller was driving his personal vehicle south on the 101 freeway and was attempting to merge onto the 202 eastbound freeway in the single HOV lane when he hit the concrete curved barrier wall with the passenger side of his vehicle. He merged onto the 202 freeway and took the first exit, onto Alma School Road. Schueller pulled into a parking lot, parked, and was contacted by Chandler Police Department. Chandler officers noticed that Schueller was sweating profusely and visibly shaking, and a DUI investigation was initiated.

Officer Schueller had no alcohol in his system but admitted to taking several prescription drugs. During an inventory search of his vehicle, two prescription bottles were found for anastrozole, a drug that was prescribed to Schueller. One of the bottles, however, contained seventy-four Xanax pills. The other contained sixteen ‘Adderall’ pills. There was no anastrozole in either bottle, and the Adderall pills would later be determined counterfeit — containing only methamphetamine. Officer Schueller’s blood test results were positive for zolpidem (Ambien), alprazolam (Xanax), and oxycodone.

Schueller advised he had bought the Xanax pills online, without a prescription, and that he also did not have a prescription for the not-actually-Adderall. Schueller was arrested for DUI drugs and possession of a dangerous drug.

During the subsequent administrative investigation, Officer Schueller took responsibility for his actions. He did not remember some of the conversations he had with the Chandler Police Department, but he did not try to minimize or misrepresent anything that had happened.

Schueller was administratively assigned to his home pending the outcome of his criminal case, but prior to that case’s conclusion, Schueller was arrested yet again on March 1, 2019 after he swerved into a residential yard, hitting a tree… and then leaving the scene of the accident. As with the first accident, a witness followed Schueller and called 911.

When Chandler police officers found Schueller and stopped his vehicle, another DUI investigation was conducted. Schueller consented to a breath alcohol test, which returned .096%. Officer Schueller also admitted to taking multiple prescription benzodiazepines and anti-depressants earlier in the day and to having drank “four or five” beers.

Schueller resigned his position with the Maricopa Police Department on March 2, 2019 and later pleaded guilty to one count of DUI drugs on each arrest. All other charges were dropped.

On December 18, 2019, Arizona POST voted to initiate proceedings against Schueller’s peace officer certification. On December 21, 2019, a representative from Officer Schueller’s attorney’s office signed for Arizona POST’s Certified Letter of Complaint. Schueller’s attorney reported to Arizona POST that he had not been able to contact Officer Schueller since then.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “Arizona SWAT officer arrested for DUI on his way home from DUI training”
  1. He probably got off honestly….. These police officers were doing all that they could to make this guy fail something….. Im sure a good attorney made a fool of these officers.

  2. So the lucky SOB spends NO time in jail, locked up with a bunch of degenerate drunks for the customary 8-12 hour period..instead, the cops call his wife to come pick him up.

  3. 43:55 The "suspect" thinks he is just casual-talkin' police stories with his peers, while all the time he is forgetting that "Everything he says can and WILL be used against him in a court of law"…and not only will he loose his driver's license, be fined $2,000 have to get an attorney and suffer cancelled or greatly increased insurance, costing him $10,000.00 But, he will also loose his job, and he will not be able to be hired on at any other public service agency or any job where driving is required.

  4. Adderall will help you sleep if you have add, adhd, or if for any reason your mind races! Alot of people cant sleep without it!

  5. Goes to show..a police officer, a judge, lawyer and Indian Chiefs..go through regular civilian SHIT!!! We can all take notes from each other.. It's CALLED THE HUMAN RACE!!! We are all tainted..Judging is for THE FATHER ABOVE!! Stop the hate..I feel the government is wanting to start a war of all..If you act reprimanded but rightfully..own up to your mistakes!! It's nobody's fault but your own!! Man UP to your mistakes no matter what your color or career!!! DAMN!! IT'S SO SIMPLE..

  6. I just researched this guy. He resigned in 2019 from Chicago police, after his then girl friend sued him and the city. So, this crack head was actually able to stay in law enforcement until at least til 2019. His dad was a high ranking officer and his siblings were in law enforcement as well.

  7. he’s not chronic pain feeling like he’s going to die every day , those drugs aren’t for ya and you’re giving the people who need them a bad label 🏷

  8. This guy is still a person that needs help no matter what being a police officer is the worst job in the world and a very stressful one, where else can you get shot at watch someone commit suicide deliver a baby and put up with people's crap all day

  9. The one cop was surprised at the flash bangs and not his other swat gear? This scumbag was cop of the year too

  10. how about the three blokes hiding outside the door They were buzzing on one of their own being made to look really bad I ain't got no truck with the police but the ex squaddie deserved better from fellow peelers KARMA WILL CATCH THEM You ain't so bad ex-soldier we all make mistakes Just a shame lesser men were around you F CK THEM

  11. This is a Very Common Thing With Law Enforcement!!! They Drink and Drive, Break all kinds of Laws on Daily Basis. The vast majority get away With it !! All Citizens Must Record all interactions with Police !!! However there are Good Hardworking Honest Law enforcement officers… Sad to say These Bad Apples are out there Enforcing Our Laws…

  12. It’s amazing how much leeway is given by the arresting officers anytime they interact with someone who they believe to be “one of their own”.
    If that was you or me and we had this story we’d be getting our faces in the pavement with a knee in the neck.

    They are sooo much different when dealing with off duty guys or any other guy on the peripheral of being w/police.

    Just the way they speak to and interact with these people shows how they could really take different approaches with citizens to not escalate situations.

    Tough job though, I wouldn’t want to do it that’s for sure

  13. I mean towards the end when he discusses his military past it's no wonder he takes all that. Those men and women go through unimaginable situations that we seem to forget or don't listen.

  14. OK. I know he broke the law and should never be a police officer again but…he has an addiction problem. I pray he has gotten treatment, taken responsibility for his actions and moved on with his life.

  15. Kinda feel bad for the dude. If it wasn’t for body cameras and video he could’ve just parked his car and the other cop would’ve driven him home. Just like you or I.

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