Motorcyclist Escapes Police in 150+ MPH Pursuit – Everything Law and Order Blog

Yes, Arkansas. No, they didn’t end up pitting it.

From the report of Corporal Glen Bates: “On August 14, 2020, I heard a Pope County trooper advising of a reckless sports bike traveling eastbound. A call then came across the state radio from Pope County dispatch saying that their ambulance stated the bike was passing the 104 mile marker. I went to the 108 to get on Interstate 40 and look for the motorcycle.

I initially thought the sports bike had likely passed before I got on the interstate. I then saw a motorcycle approaching when I was near the 112 mile marker. I slowed and pulled to the right shoulder.

A black sports bike passed me at a high rate of speed with a white male operator. The male was wearing blue jeans, a grey t-shirt, no helmet and had dark colored hair. I initiated my lights to see if he would stop. He began weaving through traffic so I initiated my siren. When I knew he had seen me and had no intentions of stopping, I notified Clarksville that I was in pursuit.

Traffic remained fairly light so I continued pursuing until losing sight of the motorcycle at exit 124.

As I passed the exit, I believe I saw the motorcycle at the top of the ramp. There was no traffic on the on ramp so I went up the ramp in an attempt to locate the suspect. Once I was at the top of the ramp and could not see the motorcycle, I deactivated my emergency lights and siren and ended the pursuit.”

Plus another one for good luck, a bit slower-speed in round two. This time around, the law enforcement officer was Trooper Brady Bates, and the incident was noteworthy because of Bates’s supervisor’s decision to call off the pursuit:

“On May 25, 2020 at approximately 9:15 AM I was traveling southbound on US Highway 63 in Black Rock when I visually observed a grey sport bike speeding. I confirmed with the radar that the bike was traveling 80 mph in a 45 mph zone. I turned my patrol car around and traveled northbound to attempt to initiate a traffic stop.

I noticed that the bike had picked up a little more speed but was unsure if it was running. I activated my lights and siren and attempted to catch up to the vehicle. After following the vehicle for a short time I was still uncertain if he was running or if he just didn’t hear or see me. I then noticed the driver look behind at me and increase his speed even further, at this point I notified Newport of the pursuit.

The driver was driving very recklessly, driving well over 100 mph and passing on double yellow with oncoming traffic getting close to striking him on a couple of occasions. I would occasionally lose sight of the vehicle when passing over hills and the vehicle kept getting further and further away. After never getting very close to the vehicle and losing sight of it around the rock crusher in Black Rock, I terminated the pursuit and passed the information to Sharp County.”

Note that absent from Trooper Bates’ narrative is any indication that his supervisor — and not Trooper Bates — was the person who called off the pursuit for safety reasons.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Motorcyclist Escapes Police in 150+ MPH Pursuit”
  1. UPDATE: I'm an idiot. Pretty sure that all of the subtitle references to "Troop 8" should have been "Troop A." Live and learn…

    SUBSTANTIVE UPDATE: A few weeks ago I posted a video titled "I was fixing my coochie lips, dude!" If you haven't seen it, you're missing out — fixable at: If you have seen that video, you may have read in its description that Ms. "I was fixing my coochie lips, dude" Kozub wasn't prosecuted, despite the fact that she had been incubating an impressive quantity of drugs and drug paraphernalia, all of which were recovered by FHP. (I guess technically the 'recovery' part was all Ms. Kozub.) Notably absent from the video description, however, was an explanation as to why Kozub wasn't charged. "Notably" because I noted it, telling you that I anticipated having the answer soon and that I would let you know once that happened.

    Hey, guess what.

    It happened.

    If you'd like to understand why the evidence in that case would not have survived a motion to suppress, visit Short link redirects to a post in the Real World Police subreddit, /r/realworldpolice.

  2. The most stupid cop i have ever seen.when he kills someones he probably will plead innocent due to speed adiction if he lives at all.

  3. Imma do 80 in a 45 without equipment activated… lost him, so I'm gonna write some tickets for 55 in this 45….
    10-4 I'm 10-22 @ 75mph in this 55mph zone.
    This trooper's ego is gonna get him killed… these evil speeders aren't worth dying for or killing an innocent person.

  4. Used to blow by cops at 140, they don't even flinch. By the time they max their cruiser out at 130 we're 5 miles ahead and getting farther. Just enjoy your coffee, it's not

  5. Bikes can go places and do things a lot of cars simply cant. Even a relatively skilled rider who knows the area can likely get away.

  6. All the comments about people being in the left lane are stupid He is catching them at 70 miles an hour if they were driving 0, ie 70/140 … NOT EVERYONE IS IN YOUR PURSUIT

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