Ohio Special Ed Teacher Robbed at Knifepoint During Zoom Call, Releases Her Dogs On Robber – Everything Law and Order Blog

“On Monday, November 23, 2020 while assigned to 1C13, accompanied by P.O. David Wagner, at approximately 1101 hours, we received a radio assignment was for an aggravated burglary on Baltic Road.

Upon our arrival we conferred with Robert Tubbs. He stated that a friend of his, Arthur Lerner, was hired to do work at his home on Baltic Rd. Mr. Tubbs stated that he was holding a ladder that Mr. Lerner was on, when they both observed a male (later identified as Charles Derosett) running east on Baltic, carrying two boxes and holding a knife.

Mr. Tubbs stated that he then observed a female (later identified as Amanda Zupancic) running after the male yelling, “[H]elp me, he just robbed me.” Mr. Tubbs confronted Mr. Derosett and suspect then began thrashing at him with the knife. Mr. Tubbs was able to get Mr. Derosett to drop the boxes to the ground. Mr. Tubbs stated that Mr. Derosett then continued to run east on Baltic, and that he threw the knife to the ground. He then informed us that RTA police had the suspect in custody on Desmond Ave.

We recovered the two boxes of suspected stolen watches that the suspect had dropped from Mr. Tubbs and Mr. Lerner.

Upon our arrival to Desmond Ave, we met with Zupancic, who identified the watches as her property. She stated that while in her home office, remotely teaching over the internet, she heard a noise and told the mother (Mariana Barisic) of the student she was teaching, “I think someone’s breaking into my home.” She got up and confronted a strange male on the staircase leading to the second floor of her home.

The Suspect (Derosett) stated “[G]ive me all your money, I have a knife.” Suspect then, by threat of a knife, ordered Zupancic into her bedroom and stated, “[G]et on the fucking ground, I’m gonna cut your f-ing throat. Give me your wallet and keys.” Derosett demanded Zupancic hand him two boxes of watches, to which she complied.

Zupancic stated that she told Derosett that her keys were downstairs. He led her down stairs, where she reached for her keys, but instead released her dogs, who went after Derosett, and Derosett ran out of the house via the front door. Zupancic then grabbed a pair of scissors and ran out after him. She ran down the street screaming for help and that she had just been robbed.

Zupancic continued to chase Derosett, past Tubbs, who got Suspect to drop the watch boxes. Zupancic continued to chase Derosett until he was apprehended by RTA Sgt. Eric Richards, who happened to be in the area. This apprehension occurred the southeast corner of West Blvd and Desmond Ave. He was detained until CPD arrived and was arrested by P.O. Madej and P.O. Fields.

We conferred with Mariana Barisic via phone. She stated that she was assisting her son via Zoom Meeting, when she heard Victim state, “I think someone’s breaking into my house.” R.P. then stated that the victim got up and heard loud shouting from the victim and an unknown male. After a brief period, she then heard unknown male clearly state, “Give me your phone. Give me your car keys.” A few seconds later she heard this male say, “Get on the floor, or I’ll cut your f-ing throat.” R.P. did not hear anything clear after that, and called 9-1-1.

*Suspect conveyed to Lutheran by Medic 39, where he was treated and released for a sprained wrist and foot.

*Suspect then conveyed to CCCC, where he is booked and housed.

*Recovered watches were returned to victim. However, her husband’s wedding ring, which was in one of the boxes, and was not recovered.

*The knife that the suspect threatened both victims with was recovered on the treelawn of 1335 West Blvd by Sgt. Eric Richards (RTA). This was later tagged and entered into LERMS/D1 Prop by Sgt. West #9263.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


24 thoughts on “Ohio Special Ed Teacher Robbed at Knifepoint During Zoom Call, Releases Her Dogs On Robber”
  1. I can’t get over how laid back she is about it all. Her husband will come home from work, ask what she’s been up to and she’ll say "Nothing much, oh there was one thing…". I wonder what sort of dogs she has? Great neighbourhood. I presume in America he has a good lengthy sentence to serve.

  2. "Man, I hope he stole this DeWalt, that's some nice bits set there, that won't make it to evidence.." 👍😆

  3. The neighbor had me at: ‘we kinda beat him up in the street, well I don’t wanna say beat him up because I don’t wanna get in trouble’…neighborly, but still no self snitching 😂

  4. i can only imagine, that lady broke her phyco out grabbed a blunt metal object and bulldozed that guy out of her stomping grounds 😂

  5. Funny story, and well done to these people, BUT if you are in the same situation as the victim, you are putting yourself at much greater risk to chase the suspect like that.
    Some jewelry is probably not worth you getting stabbed several times and dying or going to the hospital for weeks.
    Medical bills are not cheap.

  6. Notice the report makes no mention of the dog bowl beat down. Cop liked the guy and was like "that didnt legally happen".

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